Victim or Offender?

Rumblies in the Tummy

I awoke in a hospital bed. I looked around and noticed a teenage boy sitting in the chair at the foot of my bed. He was staring at me, grinning, but I was too distracted by his beauty to notice. The boy was gorgeous! His blonde hair came down to his shoulders and was incredibly straight. His skin was slightly pale, and his cheeks were pink as though he was running a fever. He had a few freckles sprinkled across his cheekbones and on his nose. That was all pretty normal, other than the fact that his face was utterly perfect. His eyebrows were thin and stretched diagonally over his eyes. His eyes. They were colored an unnamable color. He seemed to have every color known to man in his eyes. His nose was perfect, and his lips were thib but full, and parted a little. Like I said. He was gorgeous.

"You're awake," he said, grinning and sitting up a little. Even his voice was beautiful. He sounded like he was singing, like he was trying to seduce me. It was working... a little.

"Yeah... Hi..." I couldn't breathe.

"Hi." He grinned. Great. I must sound like a complete idiot.

"W-who are you?" I asked. My mind was struggling to comprehend. I was dazed by his beautiful smile, and the pain-killers weren't helping.

"Oh. Sorry. I'm Kyle. Kyle Grimm. You're...?"

"Autumn S-summers." I could breathe noramlly, now that reality was sinking in. "Why are you here? I don't mean to be rude..."

"I was walking by you're house, when I heard someone scream. I ran in, and this lady, I think she was you're mom, she was sitting on you, holding a knife. She shoved it into you... And there was... a guy. He was dead..."

"She killed him. My dad. She killed my dad..." I disgraced myself by crying. I closed my eyes so I wouldn't see the disgust on his face at my moment of weakness. My amazing, wonderful dad was dead... I sobbed, the tears escaping through my closed lids, running down my cheeks.

I felt the bed shift as more weight was added, and opened my eyes to see Kyle sitting at my waist. He was smiling softly, trying to ease my discomfort. "Are you okay?" he asked, sounding concerned.

"Yeah... I just miss him. It hurts knowing he's not here. And whenever I think of him, I see the look on my mom's face. I was so scared," I whispered so my voice wouldn't crack. Kyle wrapped his arms carefully around my shoulders, as though he was trying not to touch me.

"I get it. I've had a alot of people around me die, and I understand how you're feeling."

"Thanks." My stomach growled, and I laughed hysterically.

"What's so funny?" he asked, confused at my sudden outburst of laughter.

"My stomach wouldn't *giggle* be growling *giggle* if my mom had hit a couple *giggle* inches closer!" I burst out laughing again. I couldn't help it! I blame the morphine...

"Okay...? I'm gonna go... I need to shower and change, and I think my dad's worried about me... I've been waiting here for you to wake up..." he said, getting up. I stopped laughing.

"Will you come back?" I blurted out without thinking.

"Do you want me to?" he asked, stunned.

I looked down. "Yes."

"Okay. Then I'll see you tomorrow. Bye," he said walking to the door.

"Bye." He went out the door. As I watched him leave, I noticed how tall he was. He looked about six foot two.

I already missed him, which was weird. I barely know him!
♠ ♠ ♠
I just came up with the chapter title. It's funny. Lolz.

Sorry, I'm kinda hyper. XD

Comments are greatly appreciated, pplz!
