Me, Myself and I.

Food fight!

Urgh, I realise that I haven't actually updated in ages, but I suppose it doesn't really matter because not many people have actually read this and I don't really care as this is for me, not you. And also because nothing has happened to me since I posted last. Also I tried typing it up but my computor kept freezing.
But something has happened (and even though it was disgusting, I shall tell you about it because it got me quite angry)!!
It started some time ago when we (me and my mates) decided to sit on the field because it was warmer and Bacheriky was getting mean with us for some reason so we couldn't stay in form anymore. Anyway, we sat at the bottom of the field, minding our own business, joking about how Bacheriky was a pimp and just generally having a good time.
And thats when it happened.
The sky fell and hit me on the head!
Actually, as you've probably guessed, it wasn't the sky... or an acorn. It was, in fact, a battery launched by the ever-childish, ever-immature Georgia. (Yes, this time it wasn't my arch-enemy Hayley, as I took a new-term resolution that I should ignore her if things got nasty. Which I have done and am still doing.) And I have to tell you that it hurt.
So, being the revenge-seeking narcosist that I am, I couldn't resist the opportunity to through it back. Which I did.
This went on for quite some time until the battery hit Charlotte instead of me and Lizzy had the common sense to tell her to stop throwing it back, as then Georgia would have the ammunition to throw it again.
So we kept the battery until it was time for third period, then we sat up and went to walk off, but as a final farewell Charlotte threw the battery back at Georgia - and this bits good - it went in her eye! You guys may not see the funny side to that but I sure as hell did as Georgia is a mean old crone that deserves everything she gets. Including a battery in the eye.
She didn't bother us for sometime after that and we carried on as before, albiet sitting further away from Georgia and her posse as possible. Well, we moved behind a tree so they couldn't pelt us with anymore batteries.
This was fine and for a few days, peace reigned triumphant.
Until the orange came.
Yes, thats right, Georgia chucked an orange. Then an apple. Then a banana, then little bubblegum balls and then them little party biscuit things that have pink icing on and yellow streaks through it which always remind me of Seaseme Street or some reason. I actually ate one of the bubblegum things, and they were quite tasty... Then they all got in a toff with me because I ate it, and Esme kept saying that I was disgusting and blah, blah, blah. I don't really care what they think because they're just not that nice really... Then Daisy (I think) had smushed all the crisps in her crisp packet until they were all little tiny-weeny crumbs and then dumped them all in Lizzys' hair. Not something nice, I think you'll agree. They were all laughing and jeering at us, as you would expect, and decided to throw capri-sun all over us... I didn't get wet though, because I seem to be immune to liquids... But not bananas, as all banana mush got smeared on my blazer and it doesn't seem to come out.
We were standing by the tree thinking of what to do about this when Lizzy said 'If those bitches want to keep doing that with us then I think we should tell on them. Fight fire with fire.' Although, if we were gonna dob, I thought a better saying would be to fight fire with grass. Haha - you get it? Grass - grass, we were gonna tell and another word for that is grass... Get it? No?... Okay then.
They don't like us now as we told the deputy head on them, but I don't care as they didn't really like us anyway!
I just hope they stop throwing food as it is really unpleasant and it was spoiling our lunch.
Oh well. All's well that ends well, I presume!