Yet Another Jonas

Chapter 1

Hi. My name is Allison May Jonas, but I go by Allie. I'm not skinny, but not fat. I have Brown hair that goes a little past my shoulders and luckily no zits!!! Yes!!! Even though I am sister to the Jonas Brothers, I am just like any normal teenager. I love boys, shopping, and my music. I write and sing songs but I leave it up to Kevin to creating a tune. That's IF I let him see what I've written. I haven't let him see all of them.

Did I mention that I'm 17 and a half? Yes, right between Joe and Nick. I was born September 7th, I know!!! What is it with Mom and Dad about September? Oh well.

I love my brothers, but in a very sisterly way. Any other way would be, well, incredibly disgusting. I guess you could say that I'm closest to Kevin. He's always there when I need him. I'm a bit more talkative than Nick, but not as crazy as Joe. Oh! And one last thing about me. Just like my brothers, I have a purity ring. I made a promise and plan to keep it!

Enough about me. From here on, you get to see my life living with my brothers.....seeing me as the Jonas Sister. Here we go!
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OK!!! I know that I loaded this one up once before, but there were complications and stuff. This was just to tell you what Allison was like. Enjoy!!! Please comment!!!!!!! Don't give up this story! It gets better!!! :D