Yet Another Jonas

Chapter 10

Shelby’s POV

All I could think about was what these consequences were gonna be. Please God, at least make him use protection. Oh my God, he probably isn't.

“Matt?” I asked as he was trying to take off my shirt.

“Mhm. What sexy?”

Omg! A light bulb just went off in my head! I could try to scheme him! I’m sure as heck not strong enough, but I just might be able to out smart him.

“Need help with the bra? I’ll gladly help.” I said seductively.

He put on a goofy grin and said sure. I rolled him over and got on top of him…almost taking off my shirt.

“Oh wait.” I leaned down putting my mouth next to his ear.

“You know, I could make this the best night of your life if you give me a couple minutes in the bathroom. Are you up for it? Or can you not handle me?” I told him, trying my best not to gag.

“Oh baby you know it.” He said licking his lips.

What a complete pervert, wait, stupid pervert. He let me get up and go to the bathroom where I pulled out my phone. I texted one of my friends Nia, even though she probably hates me right now. It’s just the number that popped into my head.

SOS! I’m at Matt’s place. He’s trying to rape me! Hel

That’s all I had gotten to before the bathroom door flew open to reveal Matt not looking very happy. I quickly pressed send before he ripped the phone out of my hands and threw it against the wall.

“Just what do you think you’re doing?”

“ I – I uh…”

“Oh I get it! This was all an act! Well, you see, I’m getting what I want tonight whether you like it or not.”

It was too late. He threw me against the bed making me take off my clothes. Whoever comes to the rescue needs to hurry, or this might get really out of hand.

Nick’s POV

Allie and I talked for a while before deciding to go home. I felt closer to her as a brother and it was nice. But I haven’t gotten around to calling Lee. Maybe I should write this on my hand?

Nia’s POV

Kevin had just put Frankie to bed, Joe had done what he needed to do, and I had taken my shower.

I had finally figured out how to put all of this into words. It’s not even a big deal. It’s just about Ethan. I get this vibe that whatever I’m doing isn't good enough. That’s why my shoulders were so sore. Ethan is extremely good at swimming and I didn’t want to let him down. I needed to let him know that I am worth his time.

That and my home life isn’t all that great. My mom and dad, they’re alright. They get me whatever I need. But, I don’t get the mother/daughter shopping spree or the father/daughter dance. Whenever I need a motherly talk I talk to Denise. That’s why I’m over here so much. Paul is great too, he’s Dad number 2. Ya, sometimes that’s what I call him. My parents aren’t doing that well and I can’t help but to wonder why.

Now. You’re almost there Nia. Just make the words come out of your mouth.

“ Okie Dokie! I made popcorn!” Joe said coming into the room.

“ Joe! I’m not a movie ready to be watched!” I said totally joking. Kevin caught on.

“ Ya Joe. Way to think of the girl’s feelings.” He said wrapping me into a protective hug.

“ Thank you Kev.” I said and hugged back.

“ Well I just thought everyone would like a snack.” He said plopping down on the love seat.

Kevin looked down at me giving me the look to spill.

“ Well guys I finally have put it into words.”

“ That’s good. Spill. “Joe said stuffing a handful of popcorn in his mouth. I heard Kevin mumble under his breath something about how can Elizabeth put up with him. I giggled.

My phone started to vibrate signaling that I had gotten a text. I looked at the Caller ID and saw that it was Shelby. Should I open it?

Kevin’s POV

Ugh! Are we ever going to see what is wrong with her? More interruptions! Nia was looking down at her phone obviously deciphering whether to open it or not.

“ Well, who is it from?” Joe asked now sitting on the coffee table across from us.

“ Shelby.” Nia replied.

“ Just put it down. Right now you are more important.”

She didn’t listen to me. She had opened the text message and she gasped looking like she had just seen a ghost.

“ Do you guys know where Matt’s house is?” She asked urgently.

“ Ya, why?” Joe asked.

“ We have to go there pronto!” Nia told us while flashing the two of us her phone.

Joe and I looked at each other; our faces twisting into furious stone.

“ Nia, leave a note for Allie and Nick.” I told her. Joe finished my thought.

“ Once we get there, you’re going to tend to Shelby while we bash that idiots face in.” Joe said as we set the alarm to the house.

Will there be a murder tonight? Only God knows.
♠ ♠ ♠
There you go!!! I know I took forever, but I have the next chap written up too! I expect a lot of comments because I need to know what you guys think. Really. I have 42 subscribers and I would like for at least you guys to comment. To you guys who auditioned and stuff, you will be in the next chap or two.

Oh! And I'm writing a new story it's called One of the Guys. I haven't posted it yet, but I am going to post it later today. Love you guys!!!!