Yet Another Jonas

Chapter 12

Nia’s POV

The tension was incredible. I was praying so hard my head was starting to hurt. Neither Joe or Kevin was saying anything. Nothing. Their faces were as if someone had carved a statue of a mad king whose laws had just been over-ruled. Right now, I’m not sure if I’m more scared, or extremely upset.

We arrived to the house and immediately all three of us jumped out of the car. We were at the front door when I stopped them.

“ Should we pick the lock, bust down the door, or wait for him to answer if we ring the doorbell?”

“ Um, lets pick the lock and sneak up.” Joe said.

“ Nia, go straight for Shelby.” Kevin said, only his mouth moving.

I nodded letting them know I understood.

“ And stay behind me.” Joe said.

We decided that Kevin and Joe would go in first, then I would make a b-line for Shelby.

Kevin picked the lock and opened the door. The house was completely dark, but we knew they’d be upstairs. We headed up the stairs so quietly, we could hear movement, in this case, not a good sign. I didn’t know Joe could be so quiet, but then again, he never ceases to surprise me.

Kevin heard noises in the bedroom on the left of the stairs, so Kevin got on one side and Joe snuck to the other but I just stayed behind Kevin. Kevin started counting with his fingers.


Kevin and Joe busted the door down and the scene was horrible. One that I never want to see again. Either way, Joe and Kevin grabbed Matt and started beating the crap out of him. I ran straight for Shelby who was naked on the bed; eyes closed. I wrapped the blanket around her then tried to get her to wake up, but she wouldn't budge. She only mumbled so I sat against the headboard of the bed and gently pulled her into my lap. Matt, scratch that. That thing, was definitely paying right now.

Joe’s POV

Well, I looked over at Kevin and I don’t think that either of us have ever acted this way. That was only because we had never needed to I guess.

I yelled at him to stop because Matt was now unconscious. We both stood up and saw Nia holding Shelby in her arms. Nia looked up and saw us standing there; just as we saw a single tear fall down her face.

Kevin sat on the edge of the bed and slid his arms under Shelby’s knees and upper back. Nia wouldn't let go. Kevin made eye contact and she finally released. She watched Kevin take Shelby to the door way when he stopped and turned around to face us. Nia hadn’t moved since Shelby was taken from her arms.

I went over to her and held my arms out. She put her arms around my neck and I picked her up. As we headed down the stairs, Nia didn't say a word, and Shelby hadn't woken up yet. I think we were a little lucky that Shelby wasn't awake to fight Kevin off. Not that her being unconscious is a good thing.

We got to the car and I put Nia in first so that she could hold Shelby on the car ride home.

This was going to be a long night.
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IMPORTANT AUTHORS NOTE!!! I know it's short, but I think it's a pretty good chap. Oh, and a couple of you I think will be in the next one. But here's the deal. I think because I held auditions for a lot of roles, I've been put under a lot of pressure to put all of you guys in the story. Would some of you mind switching to my other story? Probably Joe's Best friend - not.a.princess and StoryWriter4Eva, would you like to play Nick's GF in my other story? I need to know soon girls, or I'm just going to have to cut you out all together. Comment!!!!!!!