Yet Another Jonas

Chapter 14

Nia’s POV

While I was changing into Joe’s clothes, I started thinking about everything that had happened today. A few of our lives had been altered through a time period of about…7 hours is my guess. But there’s one little detail that I pushed to the side for Shelby’s sake.

Ethan broke up with me.

As if any girl would ask themselves anything different, I started wondering if there was anything wrong. Though, at that moment, I had pushed my problems to the side because one of my friends had just gotten raped by a loser. Or, maybe we were just in time, but I guess we’ll find out tomorrow.

Now my brain's wheels started turning and the waterworks were about to start- but I didn’t let them. What went wrong? Our relationship had been great- until recently. Maybe it was for the better? When Joe was carrying me earlier…I felt protected. Safe.

Knock, Knock.

I went over to the door and opened it. There stood Nick with his worried look on his face.

“ Are you ok?” He asked.

I just kinda shook my head. Everything that has happened tonight- it’s just too much! I shouldn’t even be complaining because I wasn’t the victim! I should be ashamed of myself.

“ Well, you can sleep in the guest room tonight. Maybe you could go check on Shelby? I’ve been downstairs, so I don’t really know if she’s ok or not.”

I nodded my head and walked to Allie’s room. After knocking on the door a couple times, Allie answered it dragging me into her bathroom where Shelby was taking a shower. Good- they got her awake.

“ I set her in the bathtub of warm water to maybe wake her up. Once she did, I suggested that she hop in the shower- Wow, babe you look exhausted. You can go to bed if you want.”

As much as I wanted to stay and help with Shelby, I gave Allie a hug and headed off to the guest room. Pfft, like I’m going to be able to sleep…

Allie’s POV

There are way too many things going on at once. Shelby’s awake and looks…..bad, Nia hasn’t said a word since she stepped- well came into this house for the second time today, I have never seen Joe so serious in my life, Nick is probably just as confused as me, and Kevin hasn’t come out of his room since he brought Shelby up here to my room. Geesh.

I think I’ll just tell Mom and Dad when they get home tomorrow. Or maybe we’ll all be able to- I’m not counting on that.

Joe’s POV

This, surprisingly has been one of the most eventful nights of my life. Unfortunately for the worse.

Tonight though when I was carrying Nia, I felt something I’ve never felt before. It was weird and I don’t know what that feeling is. It was a great feeling…

Now if only I could figure out what it is…

Kevin’s POV

Ya know, I’ve always heard about rape and read about it and stuff, but when you know someone that it happened to, it puts life in a whole other perspective.

You learn to look through a person to see who they really are- whether they’re controlled by other people, their hormones, what other people think, what they’re living for, and if they have any respect for themselves.

Earlier, in my arms I carried a girl who had been violated by some moron who didn’t care about anyone but himself- what he wanted.

I might as well go to sleep. Tomorrow’s going to be a long day.
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Hey guys!!! First off, thanks for all the comments!!!!!! One more and we will be at 100!!!!! And 10 stars?! You guys are amazing!!!!! It might be just me, but I feel the story is going a little slow. So hang with me, the story is not over yet!!!!!! Lol. Yesterday was my one month of being together with my boyfriend. :) Haha. You know wat to do!!!

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