Yet Another Jonas

Chapter 15

-Nick’s POV-

Shelby is in Joe’s room, sleeping. Mom put some sweats and a big t-shit on her. She’s so beautiful. Her face looked so peaceful when she was sleeping and being carried up the stairs, and yet so tortured.

I'm pacing in the living room, nervously waiting for Mom to come down; it feels as if only a few seconds took hours to pass. Allie, Joe, Nia, and Kevin are sitting on the couch, but I can’t seem to be able to sit down.

“Nick,” Joe says. “Do you want to sit down… or do you want some water, or anything that will calm you down?”

“I’m fine,” I say anxiously. “Why would you think otherwise?”

“Just a hint,” Joe replies smartly.

“Joe,” Kevin says sternly. “Don’t.”

“I hope she’s okay…” Allie says.

My mom walks down a few seconds later, no emotion on her face.

“Is she okay?” I ask.

My mom smiles, “She’s fine- nothing happened, as in, nothing… you know what…”

“Yes,” I sigh. “Can I go see her?”

My mom gives me a sweet smile, “Maybe later, honey. She just fell asleep. Let me make you guys something to eat- it’s late and you all look stressed. Food always settles a nervous mind.”

Mom begins to walk into the kitchen, but turns on her heels after walking a few feet ahead, “Allie- Nia can sleep over if she wants.”

“Thanks mom,” Allie smiles.

“No problem,” She says, and turns back on her heels towards the kitchen.

“Nick likes Shelby,” Joe coos.

Kevin elbows him and Joe, in response, says, “Hey! What was that for? He does!”

Kevin gives him the shut-up-now-or-I’ll-kill-you-later look.

I blush, knowing everything he was saying was true. I had to admit, she was pretty- I wasn’t going to lie. But, she has gone through a lot and the last thing she needs is a guy trying to go out with her. I don’t know if she’ll even trust another guy for a while…

My train of thoughts was interrupted by Nia saying, to me, “You know, she loves guys who play music. She says it’s very appealing. She plays guitar and sings too.”

“That’s nice,” I smile. “You know, it’s a good thing I’m a musician.”

Allie laughs.

“Nick likes Shelby,” Joe coos, again.

Kevin smacks his arm, “Stop it.”

“Kevin,” Allie says, shocked at his behavior. “What’s got you all tied up in a knot?”

“Nothing,” Kevin says. “Tonight has just been a little overwhelming.

-The next day, 7 am-
-Shelby’s POV-

It’s early, and the sun is pouring through the curtains and practically blinding me. I remember everything, everything but where I am. Everything is just such a blur, it all happened so fast… Oh! Now I remember; Mrs. Jonas kindly lent me some clothes. And now I’m in her room.

I slide out of the bed and move to the door. I slowly open it, not wanting to wake up anyone. They must all be sleeping. I’m just so used to waking up so early…

I tip-toe down the hallway, barely making a sound; but suddenly, a door at the end of the hall cracks open, and a boy peers through it. He opens it a little more and now I can clearly see his face.

He has a soft look to him; deep brown eyes, a soft forehead, dimples that appear when he turns up the corners of his mouth, and the cutest freckles you will ever see. His hair falls just above his right eyes, curling perfectly. I can’t help but stare, he was just so perfect.

-Nick’s POV-

What do I do? Stop staring Nick! I just can’t help it, though…

The way her bangs framed her face and how her eyes blinked quickly every minute or so, as if she was caught in a daze; the way the baggy t-shit hung on her body and how the sweatpants she was wearing were way to big… she looked so laid back, and yet so beautiful.

She has a quiet, yet wild look to her. Her face glowed with radiance and her body craved wildness, like a run through the park or twenty laps in the pool. I could tell with the steps she took down the hallway- hyper, yet sustained.

Well, don’t just stare Nick! Say something.

“Hi,” I whispered, standing in my doorway.

She looked at me for a few seconds, as if she was not entirely sure what to say. She brought her arms up to her chest and crossed them. She looked uncomfortable.

She finally spoke after what seemed like an eternity of silence.

“Hello,” She said meekly, uncertainty showing in her voice.

Now what?

“How are you?” I ask, not thinking.

“Better,” She was quiet.

“Do you want something to drink?” I asked her, offering my hand out to her.

“Okay,” She whispered, walking down the stairs, keeping an awkward distance between us.

When we’re in the kitchen, she sits down at the counter slowly.

I grab a glass out of the cabinet and fill it with ice. I then fill them both with water.

I slide the water towards her slowly, and she extends her arm out towards it. For just a flash of a second, ours hands touch and I feel something I’ve never felt before. I feel something I never felt with Miley or Selena.

“So how did you sleep?” I asked her.

“Soundly, thanks to your mom. She reassured me I wouldn’t be bothered by... by-“

The end of her sentence was muffled by tears. I walk around to the other side of the counter and bring her into a soft, reluctant hug at first. She doesn’t react. She just cries into my shoulder.

“It’ll be okay,” I say, rubbing my hand up and down her back.

Inside myself, half of me knew that part of that statement was true. I wasn’t so sure about the other half…
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I haven't updated in a century. I know I stink. This chapter was written by NickysGirl and I teweaked it a bit. Thank you SO much!!!! Really. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!!!