Yet Another Jonas

Chapter 3

No One's POV

"You wanna go talk to Nick?" Kevin asked.

" Of course. Pf-ft. Like I was going to just sit here. " Joe replied.

Both boys jumped up leaving the sleeping Frankie alone in the living room. They walked into Nick's bedroom to see Nick on the computer.

" Nick."

He turned around, " What?"

" It's Allie, what's wrong?" Joe asked.

" Uh....."

" Nick, she said that if we needed the details, to come ask you." Kevin said knowing Nick would never tell anyone anything Allie told him and wasn't given permission to tell.

" OK, well, let me give you the short version. After we made the smoothies, I came up here to give her hers. She looked worried and handed me her phone. I saw a text message from Matt saying that they needed to talk."

They all looked at each other. That's not a good thing.

" I told her that if he broke up with her that we would kill him, and that cheered her up a little bit. We joked around for a couple of minutes and then she said that she needed to reply to the message, so I left. What happened downstairs?"

" She came downstairs asking me to use my car. I guessed her car is out of gas. I told her that she could, but I asked her where she was going." Kevin said.

Joe took over.

" She told us that she was meeting Matt at Subway. She sounded way worried so I guess we looked at her funny and she said that if we needed details to come ask you. And here we are."

" You guys, I don't have a good feeling about this." Nick said, worry creasing his face.

" What do we do?" Joe asked.

" Well, we hope for the best and comfort if worse comes to worse." Kevin said.


Allie's POV
- At Subway -

I walked into Subway seeing Matt in the back corner drinking what was most likely Coke. He loves Coke, I love coke. Yet another thing we have in common.

Let me tell you a little bit about Matt. He's handsome, strong, and smart. He's kind and is a gentleman. I've never seen him be a jerk to anyone. And I love him, I love him with all my heart. I think he feels the same way. Did I mention that I really love this guy? After getting myself a Coke, I sat down across from him.

" Hey baby. What do we need to talk about?" I asked giving him my million dollar smile.

" Look Allie, you're.......just not what I'm looking for in a girlfriend."

Did I hear him right? Oh, no, I think I did. Lets just say my smile turned upside down. I HAVE to fix this.

" No, no. We can make this work. Is there something wrong? Did I do something?" My heart and mind were begging for him to say that he had made a mistake and that everything was OK. Little did I know what was about to come out of his mouth...

" Listen, I think you have a right to know. In all honesty, I think you need to lose weight and learn how to be a girlfriend. My advice to you is to invest in a trainer and, to the next guy you meet, try to treat him better than you treated me." With that he left, never looking back.

I broke into silent tears. After knowing that he was gone, I stood up and climbed into Kevin's car. Then of course, I started questioning myself.

' Am I really that fat? I only weigh 113 pounds. I can't remember ever being mean or rude to him. I never even thought about cheating on him ever. ' I was trying to go through all the possibilities. ' Oh God, what did I do wrong?! '

I was now in the driveway and I got out, racing my crying self into my bedroom then into my bathroom. After shutting my bathroom door I turned on the shower, got undressed and into the shower. Not even 30 seconds later I heard my name being called on the other side of the closed door.

" Allie?"

I guess they heard me and I forgot to shut my bedroom door............
♠ ♠ ♠
OK!!!! There we go!!! I hope you liked the chap enough to comment. Apparently starting the chapter, then having dinner, then starting to type again was a bad idea because Mibba logged me out. Nothing was saved which totally sucked. Anyways.... Please comment!!!