Yet Another Jonas

Chapter 4

Joe's POV

Kevin, Nick, and I heard crying and then Allie's bathroom door shut. I looked at my brothers and we all went into her bedroom hearing the shower being turned on.

" Allie?" We all asked. We didn't get an answer.

" Allison May Jonas." Kevin said in a stern voice. Nick and I looked at each other and mouthed at the same time ' Dad. ' We had to restrain from laughing.

" Guys, at least wait until I'm out of the shower." We heard Allie say, so we turned to leave.

We walked into the kitchen passing the living room when we saw Frankie starting to stir. Kevin decided to make him a snack because there was no way that he wasn't going to be hungry. Perfect timing. Kevin had just finished.

" Hey Frankie."

" Hi guys." Frankie replied rubbing his eyes.

" Kevin made you a half a PBJ sandwich. Here ya go." I said passing him the plate.

" So when are Mom and Dad getting home?" Frankie asked.

" They won't be back until late tonight. A time at which you will be in bed. " Nick said.

So Frankie turned to Kevin trying to convince him, thinking he'd be any easier to break. Ha.

" Aw Kevin! Please guys? Please can I stay up until they get home please? Pretty please? " Frankie begged.

" No. " We all chorused. OK. Now that is what you call weird.


Allie's POV

I got out of the shower and went to my dresser to get my favorite PJ's. I grabbed a sports bra, of course underwear, and my monkey tank top and monkey pants putting them on. I loved the monkey pants because they made goofy faces.

I could hear my brothers downstairs, I believe in the kitchen. I guess they didn't hear me get out. Nick would figure it out though, I guarantee it. I curled up in fetal position on my bed, letting my tears silently fall down my cheeks.


Kevin's POV

When Frankie was done, I decided to rinse the plate creating less work for tomorrow.

" Hey Frankie. Why don't you go try to beat my hight score at Guitar Hero?" I heard Nick ask. Somethings up because there is no way that could happen. Nick was trying to get rid of Frankie. I turned around to see Nick and Joe looking at me intently.

" What?"

" She's out of the shower." Joe replied. I gave him a look.

" Nick's the one that told me." He said holding his hands up. I looked at Nick and he nodded his head.

" OK. Let's go up there. Remember that the first breakup is the hardest, so be careful what you say. Agreed?"

" Agreed. "

" Agreed." And with that we made our way upstairs.

Joe opened the door and went in first, Nick and I right behind him. She wasn't facing us so Joe and I thought she might be asleep. Nick walked over to the other side of her bed.

Nick's POV

I walked to the other side of the bed to see if she was really asleep. She wasn't. I knelt down in front of her looking at her face.

Her eyes were open and her cheeks tear stained. She had just finished crying was my guess. I nodded at her giving the signal to scoot over and she did. Good thing she has a full size bed. She turned to where her body was facing the ceiling, so I did the same. Joe sat on the other side of her and Kevin sat at the foot of the bed.

" Allie what happened?"
♠ ♠ ♠
OK! This chapter isn't done!! This is only part one. Please guys, comment!!!! I love all of my faithful readers and Thank you!!!!!