Yet Another Jonas

Chapter 5

Allie's POV

" Allie, what happened?" Joe asked. I looked at all three of them.

' I might as well tell them, ' I thought. ' Wouldn't want there to be an intervention.'

Unfortunately I started tearing up.

" Um, well, we met up at Subway, he said some things and then left." I replied.

Kevin spoke up. "Allie, what did he say? Don't leave anything out."

" Well, I greeted him like I normally would and he said that I just wasn't what he was looking for in a girlfriend. I knew that was his way of breaking up with me so I tried convincing him that it would be OK. And I asked if I did anything wrong. I told him we could make this work and then, then.........."

That was it. The tears were spilling down my cheeks and I saw my brothers' faces letting me know that I could take my time.

" Then he said, I remember these words perfectly. He said,and I quote, ' Listen, in all honesty I think that you need to lose some weight and act more like a girlfriend. My advice to you, invest in a trainer and to the next guy you find, treat him better than you treated me."

I was now curled up, again, in fetal position sobbing. Nick had a tear running down his face.

'He shouldn't have to see me like this! I'm a horrible sister!'

Joe cradled me in his arms like the wonderful brother I know him to be. I love my brothers with all of my heart.

" I did-n't th-think th-th-that I wei-ghed that mu-ch." I said between sobs.

All three boys looked at me like I was crazy. Kevin got up took me out of Joe's arms the other two following. They were taking me to my full body mirror.

"Guys, what are you doing?" I asked.

" Look in the mirror and tell us what you see." Joe said.

" I - I don't know. "

" I'll tell you what I see. " Kevin said.

" I see a strong, beautiful, smart.... woman. Who loves life and isn't going to let anyone get her down. I can also see that she is way too skinny. You need to put some meat on those bones!"

I turned and gave him the biggest hug EVER. I did the same for Nick and Joe and then went back to my position on my bed. The boys followed.

" Thank you guys. It's just that my heart has this heavy feeling and it won't go away." I said, yet some more tears making their way down. More? Jeez. Didn't know I had anything left.

" You know that Matt's a jerk and missed out on a wonderful girl I know to be my sister right?" Joe asked.

I just laid my head on his shoulder seeing that Nick and Kevin had traded places. Nick was now at the foot of the bed and Kevin was next to me. Well....I guess he would have to be. His hand was rubbing my back.

Then Nick started to sing a song I know all to well......

Nick's POV

I started singing one of our songs, Joe and Kevin following suit.

Cause an empty room can be so loud,
there's too many tears to drown them out
so hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on

When you love someone,
and they break your heart
don't give up on love have faith restart
just hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on

Hold on, hold on,hold on, hold on...

We ended it there. A new set of tears were falling down her face and we decided to give her some time alone. Making sure we shut the door behind us, we went into Kevin's room to devise a plan. But that's when Frankie came in holding a cup of pudding.

Joe's POV

" Frankie, what are you doing?" I asked.

" I came to see what was wrong with Allie." Frank replied.

" She's had a rough day Frankie." Nick said.

" Guys, I've never seen her like that. It was really hard to watch. Are you sure we should leave her alone?" I asked.

"Ya. Maybe we can get one of her girlfriends to come over." Kevin added.

All of our heads snapped up and we knew exactly who to call.

" Nia." We all said at the same time.
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