Yet Another Jonas

Chapter 6

Name: Nia Hampton
Birthday: November 13th
Favorite color: Pink
BF's name: Ethan
Status of friendship: They love each other like sisters, and they practically are. Both families treat each other like they are just one big family. So in other words, BFTWDAFOTFOTE. (Best Friends 'Till We Die And Fall Off The Face Of The Earth.)


Nia's POV

My whole body was aching because I did a tremendous workout in the pool yesterday with Ethan. I was pretty proud of my self though. I decided that I was going to reward myself by going to my favorite drink place.

So here I am at Sonic getting my usual Cherry Limeade, and you would never guess what I saw. I saw Matt kissing another girl. No...wait a minute.....that other girl is...SHELBY?! Now, it took me a moment to figure out it was him, but the second I saw their faces I knew it was the Matt that was dating Allie and the Shelby who was in almost all of Allie and I's classes. Wait a minute! Kissng!.....Matt!....Allie!...Matt's cheating on Allie!!! Oh my gosh what should I do?

' And you don't know what you've got until it's gone...'

I fished around in my purse for my ringing cell phone and knew it was Nick because that was his ring tone. Obviously.

' And you don't know what it's like to feel so low....'

" Where is it?!"

' Every time you smile, you laugh..'

" There it is!" I said before I very quickly answered it.

" Nick?"

" Nia?"

" Yes Nick. Now speak. Please."

" OK. Can you come over? Joe, Kevin and I need your help with something. "

" Ya. I can come over. I need to tell you guys something extremely important."

" OK. When do you think you'll be here?" Nick asked.

" Uh, is fifteen minutes good?"

" Perfect. Bye."

" Bye." I replied as I hung up. Something is going on. I can feel it.


No one's POV

After Nia had gotten her a drink and quickly bought one for each of the boys, she sped off to the Jonas's house. Being careful not to get a ticket. She got there right on time.


Joe's POV

My brothers and I heard the doorbell ring and we jumped up to answer it.

" Ha-ha! I beat you guys!" After all, it was my job to annoy them. I opened the door to reveal a very worried and upset Nia on the other side. Her shoes were off and she held four Sonic drinks in her hands. That's not like her. I mean the clothing part. Sonic was her favorite place to get a drink.

" What's wrong? You usually greet us with a ' what's up brothers from anotha motha?!'"

" My mind is going crazy and my whole body, mainly my shoulders, are killing me."

" What's on your mind? Here. Sit on the couch and I'll give you my famous shoulder massage. Allie's asleep and we need to tell you some.... bad news..." Kevin told her. And she did just that.

" Same. But you go first." Nia said.

" Matt broke up with Allie telling her she was fat and didn't know how to be a good girlfriend and we don't know why."

All of us saw Nia's face turn bright red as she shot up from her seat. She started walking to the front door almost screaming.

" Oh I am going to KILL him!"

Nick and I shot up and blocked the doorway. Kevin raced after her and grabbed her arms dragging her back to the couch.

" OK. Now what was that? I'm guessing you know something that we don't? Because that was NOT just because of those few words we said. There's more to the story isn't there?" Nick asked.

" He was with a girl named Shelby at Sonic! They were lip locked for a pretty long time which means that they have to be going out! So if he broke up with Allie this morning then he was CHEATING on her!"

" Oh that boy has crossed the line. He is SO going to get it." I said. There is no way he is getting away with this.

" Guys. I actually think I have a plan. It's not a great one, and you probably won't like it, but it's worth a shot." Nia said.

" Alright. Let's hear it."
♠ ♠ ♠
OK guys!!! I hope you like that. I didn't like it a whole lot myself. I owe everyone a HUGE apology. I didn't update last night and I'm sorry. Oh, and Spell check won't work so I'll have to do that later.

OK. Nia is played by my best friend. ( She doesn't have an account.)
And Shelby is being played by NickysGirl ( Thank you for letting me use you in my story!!!)

Thank you guys!!! Love ya! Now PLEASE comment!!! It would make me VERY happy!!!!! :)