Yet Another Jonas

Chapter 8

Nia's POV

Kevin, Nick, Joe, and I were talking and just hanging out seeing that it was about eight thirty and Mr. and Mrs. Jonas were going to be home in about an hour and a half. You know really I just call them Mom and Dad. Anyways, I was just going to borrow one of the guys' clothes and sleep over tonight. We've done it before so the 'rents won't mind.

" Nia?"

I turned towards the stairs to Allie coming down with her shoes on and purse over her shoulder, complete with a look of confusion on her face.

" Hey Alliecat, how are ya?"

" Horrible. You?"

" Could be better." I said as Nick cut into our conversation.

" Where are you going?" He asked.

" Braum's. I want an Old-Fashioned Banana Split. Do you guys want anything?" Allie asked us.

All of us gave her our orders and Nick went with her to Braum's. I stayed with Kevin and Joe at their house helping keep an eye on Frankie. I have too much on my mind.

Joe's POV

Kevin had gone up to his room and Nia and I were sitting on the couch watching TV, but I noticed she was kind of...spaced out.

" Nia?"

She didn't answer.

" Nia?" I said as I waved my hand in front of her face. Her head jerked. She had finally heard me.

" Oh. What? Sorry." She said looking down fiddling with the bottom of her shirt.

" Hey, what's wrong? You've been down all day and it's kinda making me worried."

" Oh nothing."

I started tickling her and she started cracking up begging me to stop.

" Not until you tell me everything. No lies. Nothing left undiscussed."

" F - f - fine!" She surrendered.

" KEVIN!" I screamed as he came running down the stairs.

" What?! Is someone hurt?! Where's Frankie?!"

" Everything is fine Kevin." I told him. Nia was laughing at what had just happened. Phase 1 of Mission : Find Out What's Wrong accomplished.

" Stay here and make sure she doesn't leave. I'm going to go get some blankets. It's cold in here."

Nia's POV

" Man, I thought someone had been murdered by the way he yelled my name." Kevin joked.

" Ya, he screamed it right in my ear." I told Kev. That's my nickname for him. Sometimes I call him Kevkins. Don't ask where I got that. Of course now most of the girls around the world now call him that......

" So why am I making sure that you don't go anywhere?" Kev asked.

" Um, I don't know." I lied.

Allie's POV

It was quite silent in the car. I knew I needed to talk to Nick and I think this is the perfect time to do it. I mean, because I hope he doesn't think that every breakup is like mine.

" Nick?"

" Ya?" He answered.

" I'm sorry you had to see me break down. "

" Don't even apologize. Look, I realize that not every breakup can end with just a hug and goodbye. Allie, promise me that you know what Matt said is completely untrue."

I looked down briefly. Yes people, I do know how to drive safely! I knew the answer.

" Ya, of course."


" You know I can see right through that can't you?"

" Ugh! God just had to gift you with that ability too didn't he?" I smiled.

" Of course! He knows He made me brilliant in every way."

" Dream on Fro-Bro."

" Hey! You got me off subject! That's not fair." He faked a pout.

" Yes it is."

Finally we were at Braum's. Both of us got out and I locked the car.

" This conversation isn't over yet." He said seriously.

I know.

Shelby's POV

OK. I'm getting pretty worried. We had just left the party we were at and were walking to the car. He's acting so out of it and is trying to feel me up.

" Hey baby, what are you worried about?" He slurred. I thought he had had too much to drink.

This happened right as we reached the car doors. We got in and he suddenly locked the doors. His head snapped up like the whole thing was an act. Oh. My. God.

I lied. I'm way passed worried. I'm scared.

" Let me out." I said.

" What? Don't you want to have some fun?" He said wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

" Please! Let me out!" His engine roared to life as we pulled out of the driveway.

This little thing inside me told me that I was about to go through Hell.
♠ ♠ ♠
OK guys!!! I hope you liked it!!! Well, here are the winners as my Christmas gift to you.

Joe's GF: ImLostWithoutYou
Kevin's GF : Twilight_and_Jonas
Joe's Best Friend : not.a.princess
Kevin's Best Friend : Aerie
Nick's Best Friend : StoryWriter4Eva

There you go!!! I have some expectations for the winners and will be getting a hold of you soon. I'm sorry to everyone that didn't get a part. It was SO hard to choose!!! Well, make sure to comment everyone!!!

Merry Christmas, from my family to yours. :D

P.S. I just saw that I have 6 stars!!!!!!!!!! Thank you everyone!!!!!!!!!!! <3