Yet Another Jonas

Chapter 9

Joe’s POV

I grabbed a couple blankets from the closet and a couple from my bed. I need to call up Elizabeth later. Maybe Nia can help me remember. Ha ha.

“So why am I making sure you don’t go anywhere?” I heard Kevin ask.

“Um, I don’t know.” I then heard Nia reply. I walked in.

“You’re making sure she doesn't’t go anywhere because something is wrong and I’m about to find out what it is.”

“Is that right?” Kevin replied looking at Nia. She nodded her head.

“Sorry I lied Kev.”

“Hey, as long as you tell us what’s up, it’s cool.”

“Ya, about that, it’s a subject we all know about it’s just…I know what the right thing to do is…just…ugh.”

“ Nia, spit it out.” Kevin and I replied. Should we be getting worried?

Shelby’s POV

We just arrived at Matt’s house. Against my will, he lead me into the house with a firm grip on my forearm. Curse his strong muscles. I had tried all the excuses I knew. Well, actually, they’re not excuses. In this case, they’re reasons. Big difference people. Anyways, I tried telling him that I wasn’t ready, which was and is still true. I tried telling him that he was scaring me, which he was. I tried telling him that I was on my period and that it wouldn't’t be comfortable for either of us. The period part wasn’t true, but the other half was. Crap! I hope he doesn't’t kill me for lying to him. Nothing worked. It’s too late and I regret not going to that self defense class. I’m not strong enough to wiggle out of his grasp. Ow! It hurts! I just lay there in my tears, still clinging to a lingering hope that my hero will come to the rescue.

Nick’s POV

The line at Braum’s was incredibly long AND in all the drama and stuff, me, being a dumb butt, forgot my disguise. Way to go Nick. So Allie and I ran back to the car and she stepped on the gas trying not to run over any fans.

We sped off to the park we went to before my brothers and I became famous. It was kinda dark outside, but it was nice. I’d like for Allie to open up to me more. I know Kevin’s her go to guy, but she also knows she can trust me with anything. I just kind of feel like we’re drifting apart a little. I miss my sister.

Joe and Kevin have girlfriends and I don’t. Man, I need to talk to Lee. Yes, she’s a girl, but we have a lot in common. Get over it. Ha ha. Anyways, I’ll call her later.

Nia’s POV

How am I supposed to tell my best friends, well, my brothers, this? Come on Nia, it’s not that hard. Should I be talking to Allie about this instead? No, I can’t put that on her shoulders too. Nia, do I need to ground you? Oh joy, now I’m going crazy! Grounding myself?

“ Hello? Nia?” I thought I heard someone say. I ignored it.

OK. Now put it into words Nia. Ugh! Nia relax! These are you best friends, your family you’re talking to! Take a breath.

Kevin’s POV

Joe and I had started talking about the new album, getting off subject, and apparently Nia went into her own little world.

“ Hello? Nia? “ I waved my hand in front of her face.

“ Dude! She’s spaced out again!” Joe said.

“ Nia?”

“ NIA!”

“ Huh? Oh. Sorry. I was holding a debate in my head.” She replied.

“ OK. Well, it’s partly our fault. We got off subject. Now, spit it out.” Joe said.

“ OK. Well-" She was cut off by the phone ringing. It was Mom and Dad. Oh crap! Frankie!

“ Hello?” I said.

“Hey honey. Your Dad and I are on our way home. Frankie better be in bed and asleep. Love you.”

“ Love you too Mom. Oh, and Nia’s spending the night. See you when you get home. I love you see you soon.”

“ OK sweetie, bye.”

" Bye.” Then I hung up the phone.

“OK, well. I forgot to put Frankie in bed. So, I’m gonna go do that. Nia? Do you want to go take a shower?”

“I would love one.” She replied.

“ OK. I’ll get you some of Nick’s clothes.” Joe said.

“ OK. Our meeting will be back in order in 45 minutes. GO!”

We all laughed and got to it.
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Okie dokie!!! I'm sorry for making you guys wait for FOREVER. I was on writers block, and it didn't help that I didn't get very many comments on the last chapter. Thank you guys for being patient, and thank you NickysGirl and Aerie for giving me an extra push for wanting to update. Love you guys!!!!! Happy New Year!!!! Who can't WAIT for the 3-D Jonas Brothers Movie?! Lol. Comment, rate, subscribe.....these things make me happy!!!!! :D