It Hurts To Think

It Hurts To Think Part 1

He felt like somebody had hit him on the back of his head with the end of a staff weapon, causing his eyes to tear up and his head to throb. Of course he hadn't actually been hit but the headache he had made every other pain he had ever experienced seem like the tiniest little pinch.
Jack was sitting in General Hammond's office trying to tune out the argument going on around him. Daniel and Samantha were debating on something scientific that involved words he couldn't even pronounce. The worse part of it all was they were practically yelling and seeing as how they were sitting so close to him they might as well have been clashing pots and pans in his ears. Well that was his opinion anyhow.
One way he tried to tune it out was thinking. What he was thinking about it didn't matter.
Finally he decided to just sit there with his head in his hands, hoping somebody would notice his pain.
"ENOUGH!!!", he heard all of a sudden, not helping the headache situation, but it did shut everybody up.
They all stared at General Hammond waiting to see what he wanted.
He turned to Jack. " What do you think about all this?", He asked.
"It hurts to think, Sir".
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I Hope you all enjoy this. I'm planning on making more parts :)