Summer and Forever


My bag bumped against my back gently as I stepped off the bus and looked up at the campsite that would be my home for the next four weeks. I stared at it in disbelief and shook my head.

What the hell was I doing here?

I scowled as I remembered my parent’s decision to send me here while they settled their divorce without me. Now I was out of the way for a month in this hell hole.

Someone jostled me from behind and I heard the words “Move it weirdo.” I didn’t bother turning around and socking whoever it was in the mouth. I couldn’t be bothered. I was too depressed at the thought of being here with all these other campers and counselors. Ugh.

I trailed slowly behind the line of kids eagerly clambering to get into the mess hall. I was the last one in when the door shut and I stood at the back, glowering at anyone who tried to smile at me or make small talk.

“Greetings music campers!” One peppy counselor hopped and bounced on the spot with a huge grin on her face. “My name is Hilary and we’re gonna have super fun here! Put your hands up and shout if you agree!” Hilary squealed.

I didn’t put my hand up. Everyone else did though and gave a massive shout that rocked the hall.

“Let me introduce out super awesome counselors for this year!” She waved to a group of counselors with smiles printed on their faces. “There’s Rob, Becky, Annabelle and of course our famous Jonas brother helpers! Give a big clap for Nick, Joe and Kevin Jonas!”

There was an even bigger roar and I winced from the noise.

The introduction went for far too long and then we were asked to line up and tell a counselor our talent. I was in the back of the seventh line after noticing that line number five and six were ten times more popular. I realized that Kevin Jonas was the person I had to tell my talent to.

When it got to my turn I still had no idea what my talent was supposed to be. “Hi there.” Kevin smiled at me. He was pretty hot, as guys went. He had a handsome face and an obviously great body underneath his t-shirt. I gave him a nod.

“What’s your name and talent?” I was last in line so I could take my time. No pressure right? Wrong.

“Sarai Cage.” I answered robotically.

“What’s your talent Sarai?”

“I don’t have one.” Kevin frowned and I stopped myself from grinning at his confusion.

“Why are you here then?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Shouldn’t you be encouraging me to do an instrument or something?”

“Oh…” Kevin went red. “Sorry.” He muttered. I shrugged.

“I have a talent for avoiding social situations.”

“Do you have any music talent?”


“I’ll put you down for guitar, basic.”

“Okay.” I moved away without saying goodbye or giving him a chance to welcome me to the camp. Bah. I hated this place so much already and I hadn’t even seen my sleeping place.

My sleeping place. Dear, dear lord shoot me now. Six other excited girls were fighting over the beds and exchanging make up and hair straighteners. I stopped dead in the doorway and stared at them all in disbelief. I was sharing a room with these psychos for a month?

I got the bottom bunk furthest from the door. That was fine with me. First thing I did was set up my bed and lie down on it.

“Hey, what’s your name?” A baby face girl asked me. I looked up at her warily but decided not to be rude.


“I’m Melina. Do you want to share my straightener?”

“Not really.”

Her face fell. “Okay.” She moved away and I rolled so I was on my stomach with my face pressed into my pillow.

“Hey you! Girl with the skunk hair!” I stiffened at the insult but turned in response.

“Sarai.” I corrected coldly.

“Sarai, Skunk, it’s all the same.” The girl had an arrogant tone and a swagger that told me she came from a rich bitch family.

“We’re supposed to come for the group activity once we’ve found our room.” She said in an authorative tone. I turned back onto my stomach and ignored her unpleasant presence. There was silence.

“I don’t think you understand. You speak English Skunk girl?” I clenched my fists underneath my pillow but didn’t react. There was a disgusted sigh and I heard everyone troop out of the room.

I let out a breath and raised my head to see the unpleasant girl leaving the room with a glare. “You listen to me from now on Skunk girl.” She said as a passing threat before departing. I stared after her and snorted with laughter.
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I am seriously not good at writing romance., I should stick to horror but i'm not in the mood for it at the moment. They're all under construction. Anyway read and subscribe please. If you can take the time to read i'm sure you can take the time to press a few buttons to subscribe ;) thanks