Summer and Forever

Suddenly alone again

Today’s first activity was letter writing. I made a face when I found out it was compulsory. Hilary had no sympathy for me. “Come on Cage! Lighten up and let your parents know what’s going on with you! Tell ‘em all about your new boyfriend.” She winked suggestively and swaggered off.

“Tell them how you stole another girl’s boyfriend and then slept with him last night.” Ingrid hissed in my ear.

“I did NOT steal him and I did NOT sleep with him last night.” I said hotly.

“Sure whore.” She said snidely before sauntering off. Oh how I wanted to smack the smirk off that bitch’s face.

The boys and girls had to separate for this activity so I sat alone at the lake trying to think of what to write. In the end it looked like this.

Mum and Dad
I hope all the fighting is over by now although I highly doubt that. Music Camp is cool. I have a boyfriend and I’m happy up here. Write soon
From Sarai

I gave it in to be posted and breathed a little easier now that that was done.


Three weeks passed in a blur. Kevin and I were still together and I fell more and more in love with him every day we were together. I came to dread the fact that we had to split up and go back to our homes next week. I was too attached to him.

He became increasingly moody in the last week and started to avoid me. I didn’t understand what was going on but Ingrid started looking smug and happy which pissed me off.

Melina and Joe were going great which made me moodier because Kevin seemed to be avoiding me. Nick looked away guiltily whenever I came near and Joe would not tell me what was going on. Ingrid became livelier towards the end and talked about the many boyfriends she’d have back at home, and so forth.

To top it off, I got two replies to my letter on the Monday of the fourth week. One from my mother and one from my father. My mother’s one read

I hope you’re keeping yourself over this camp. Men are liars and pigs only after sex. This boy isn’t worth any time you give him. Just remember that darling. Your father has been a complete ass these past few weeks and has refused to move out! Of course as I won’t move either we are stuck together until next year when our case can be heard. When you come home I hope that you will do all you can to show him he’s not welcome in MY house. I’m expecting it of you Sarai.
Love Mummy

From my father:

Whatever you do don’t bring this boy home to your mother. She will eat him alive, the vindictive bitch. Stay away from her with your boyfriend at all costs! As the bitch probably told you, we are still living together although I hope to remedy that by changing the locks. The cow won’t know what’s hit her. I want you to choose who you’re going to live with when you come home so start thinking about that. Also, I want you to help me give your mother an unpleasant time so that she’ll move out into the ditch she deserves. Cheating slut.
Hope you’re having a good time.
Love Dad

The nastiness of the letters didn’t surprise me but they still hurt a lot. I read them by the lake over and over until a lump formed in my throat, panic seized my chest and tears burned behind my eyelids. I didn’t want to go home. I was much happier here with Kevin…well I used to be anyway. I sniffed and rubbed my eyes with the back of my sleeves.

A hanky dangled in front of my face and I grabbed it to wipe my face properly before I realized a hanky wasn’t supposed to be there. I looked up to see Kevin standing there smiling awkwardly. He sat down next to me and I turned the letters over so he didn’t have to see them.

“Hi.” He began.

“Hey there.”

“We need to talk.”

I knew that tone. It was the break up tone. I tensed my shoulders and gripped the letters hard. “You’re breaking up with me aren’t you?” It was best to rip the ban-aid off ASAP.

“Yeah.” He said quietly. “We live so far apart and I don’t wanna tie you down or anything. I’d hate to be in a relationship where I can’t touch or kiss my partner for months or even years.” He explained gently.

I knew he was breaking up with me for good and fair reasons but it was just so much on top of it all. It had been a great four weeks and now my reality was chasing me. I fought to keep my voice strong and failed.

“Yeah.” My voice cracked. His eyes were down and focused on the moss at his feet.

“I see you got letters from your family. That must be nice.” He said gently, trying to make me feel happier. Wrong thing to say. I am ashamed to say that I began to bawl. Tears rolled down my face and sobs wracked my body so hard I found it hard to breathe.

“Sarai? I’m so sorry. Please don’t cry. Sarai?” He said my name a few times and awkwardly patted my knee. He didn’t want to come too close. I thrust the letters at him.

“Yeah, really nice to get letters from the family at home.” He took the letters from me and read through them quietly.

“Are these from…your parents?”

“Yup.” I said glumly. “I have to choose who to go against and who to live with when I go home. I’ll be subjected to bribes and glares. They’ll both tell me how much the other is a bitch or bastard.”

“I’m so sorry.” Kevin said sadly. We sat there awkwardly.

“I’ll still take you to the dance.”

“You don’t have to.”

“I want to.” We were silent again.

“Give me your home address and I’ll write you letters.”

“I’m not going home.” I said darkly.

“What?” I’d been thinking about it ever since Kevin had become so moody and all. “There’s a place in New York that’s hiring desk girls and all. I’m not too bad at organizing things so I think I’ll catch a train up there, get a job and live there if I can.”

“That’s extremely dangerous!”

I shrugged. “It’s a better option then going home.”
♠ ♠ ♠
*sigh* the breakup. so sad