Back to the spooky past

"Dad, . . . . . . what are you talking about?"

Harli . . . x

We were now in the hospital.
I was mad with Macy. She just started running for no reason, so I had to too, because I hate being on my own at night. Your probably saying 'Big deal, you had to run. So what?' But it is a big deal. I have asthma. Really bad asthma. And that triggered it. Now I could hardly breathe. Macy knew about this, but still she ran. Yeah, all the streetlights went off at the same time, but it was probably someone just playing a trick and trying to scare everyone. It was Hallowe'en, after all.

"Hi, Dad." I smiled at him and gave him a hug. I saw Macy doing the same. "How you doing?"

"Oh, getting there." He whispered. "Girls," He sighed "There's something you need to know." He took a deep breath and looked at us, before carrying on. "It's Hallowe'en, right?" We nodded. "Well, when you go out of the hospital today, something's going to happen."

"What?" We asked at the same time.

"That, i'm afraid, is it." He looked at us again. "I can't tell you." He saw us looking at him. "Okay. It's not that I don't want to tell you, I just can't."

"Why?" I was scared now.

"Because I'm just not allowed, okay? Not allowed. But you'll find out soon enough. How I found out though, is a different story all together."

"Now, you need to go."

After saying goodbye and hugging him. Macy and I left the hospital.

And braced ourselves for the worst . . . . . . .
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Short, sorry.
hope you like. . .
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