Status: Need comments my dears, need to know what you like or dislike. =)

I Told You I'm Fine


**Haley’s P.O.V. **
I pretended to go back to sleep but I am afraid of what Jamie will say. He’s cheated ion me before but I’ve never ever cheated on him. I hope he’s not to mad. I fell asleep a few minutes later.

~Monday Morning~
I got out of bed at 5 o’clock. I made sure I didn’t wake Cam. I left the room and checked every room until I found a guest bathroom. I looked through my duffle bag and found that I have everything I needed for my morning routine. I turned on the shower and waited for the water to heat up.

As I was waiting I looked around the bathroom. It was a room so big, almost twenty people could fit inside comfortably. The tiles had dolphins on them. The walls were painted with an ocean scene. The towels had dolphins on them, too. The rest of the bathroom was ocean based. I felt the water and hopped in. after my hour and fifteen minute long shower. I brushed my teeth and got dressed.

**Cam’s P.O.V. **
I wake up to something shaking violently against me. I move and turn on my lamp. I let my eyes adjust and I see her shaking violently. Who is that? I ask myself. It’s Haley, I remember. I quickly shake her with my hands and wake her up. I saw when she looked up that she was crying.
“It’s ok, Haley. I’m right here,” I said feeling awkward. This is weird to me.

“Huh,” she said and looked up at me. “Oh,” she sighed.

I looked at her confused then I remembered, she has a boyfriend, shit, I thought. Then she said, “its okay.’

“Haley I’m so sorry, I’ll just sleep in a guestroom,” as soon as I finished she spoke.

“No! Stay please!” she begged.

“Okay,” I said hesitantly I watched her as she closed her eyes and fell asleep. I stayed awake for sometime, then I finally fell asleep.

~Monday Morning~
I woke up to the shower in the guest bathroom. I looked beside me and automatically knew Haley was in the shower. I got up and started my morning routine. I heard the shower turn off while I was brushing my teeth. I glanced at the clock. It read 6:17 a.m. After I finished it was 7a.m. I walked upstairs and saw Haley in the kitchen. She was just sitting there. She looked up when I walked in. I walked over to the pantry and grabbed a cereal bar. Then I grabbed my black hoodie and backpack. “Are you ready?” I asked Haley.

“Yes,” she answered as she grabbed her duffle bag and her backpack. We walked through the kitchen and into the garage. I walked over to my forest green 2001 Toyota Prius, unlocked it, and climbed in. Haley climbed in and asked, “Could you drop me off a block away from school?”

“Alright, but I’m going to make sure you make it to school safely,” I said as I pulled out of the garage and started the twenty minute drive to school.

“Fine,’ she finally replied.

“Look, Haley, I’m sorry about last night. I shouldn’t have-“I started to say but she cut me off.

“No, don’t be sorry. Cam, I wanted you with me. You cared for me more in one night than anyone has my entire life. So really I should be saying thank you, Cam, “she said.

A few minutes later Haley spoke. “Right here is good,” she said pointing to a spot on the side of the street. Huh, I thought and then I realized we were a block away from school. I pulled up next to the curb and said good bye to Haley. She said bye back to me. Just as she opened the door, she turned back to me and kissed me on the lips. Then she hurried out of my car and off to school. I drove to school and parked just as Haley arrived.
**Haley’s P.O.V. **
I don’t know what made me do it. Kiss him, I mean. Oh, well, I should find Jamie, I thought. As I was thinking, I spotted him parking his Chevy pickup truck. His truck is really old and noisy. I know it’s his because I can smell the exhaust all the way over here. I watched him climb out and waved him over. He starts to walk over but looks reluctant to do so.

“Hi, Haley,” he mutters.

“Jamie you look terrible, are you ok?” I asked.

“Ya, ya, Haley, I’m fine,” he growled at me. I can tell that last night, while I was saved by skater boy, he either got drunk, had sex, or both. He smells like both.

“What did you do over the weekend?” I asked him, nonchalantly.

“Oh, you know homework. I heard we have a big project in Lit due today,” he said.

“Jamie, that’s for honors lit. What did you really do?” I asked annoyed.

“You want to know what I really did over the weekend?” he asked me.

“Yes,” I answered.



“Well, Friday I went out with you,” he said and I rolled my eyes. “On Saturday I went clubbing watched a really hot girl strip. Yesterday, I went over to the really hot striper’s house. She did a pole dance just for me, then; we had sex, and got drunk!”

“Jamie!” I shrieked, “I can’t believe you! Oh, wait yes I can but why, Jamie, why?”

“Because you won’t do it with me! I don’t see why I waste my time with you, Haley!” Jamie said angrily. Jamie started walking away. I quickly chased after him.

“Jamie, stop I forgive you!” I half begged. Jamie took a minute then turned back towards me.

“Okay,” he said sweetly then he walked over and kissed me. I immediately melted into his kiss. Jamie was/is the reason I’m still on earth, without him I am nothing. Jamie pulled away all too quickly. I looked up and saw Ashley Brooks. She was, no wait, is the biggest slut in our grade, but she only does one guy at a time. Right now I think she’s dating Michael Grover. He’s not very cute but whatever so long as she stays away from my Jamie.

I look over at Jamie; he is full on staring at her. She winked at him! That’s right little missy just walk away! I look at Jamie’s face. He’s still staring at her. There’s the first bell and he’s still staring. I walk away disgusted with him. Jamie is such a jerk but I need him.

I hurry off to class but not before I take one last glance at Jamie. He’s still staring.

**Cam’s P.O.V. **
Haley and Jamie are fighting, I can tell. Jamie turns away from Haley, with a smirk forming on his face; he starts to walk away from her. She hurries after him. She tells him to stoop, he stops. She’s saying something. His smirk is getting bigger, then, he turns back to her while removing his smirk. He walks over to her and kisses her! He is a jackass!

Oh, no, here comes Ashley Brooks, A.K.A. most popular girl in school. She is a complete slut! Did she just wink at Jamie? Yes, yes she did I can see it in Haley’s eyes.

I look at them one last time before I turn and walk away. I need to forget Haley. She’s not my girl and she will never want to be. She’s not part of my group. She’s so beautiful, I think I love her. Where did that thought come from? Forget her, forget her, and forget her!

The rest of the week went on much the same. Cam tried desperately to forget Haley. Haley was in the dark. She was very unsuspecting towards Jamie. Jamie had been acting weird towards Haley but she didn’t notice. Cam was going crazy. He knew somehow that he was in love with Haley. Every time she tripped, fell, or came to school with a bruise, he worried.

In the afternoon on that Monday Haley’s mom had picked up Haley after school like nothing had happened. This, as I’m sure you know, made Cameron go ballistic. He could not believe her parents would have the nerve to show up; after all they did to her!

Weeks go by. A week turns into a month, two months, and then something unexpected but expected happens.
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Next Chapter should be up by the end of next week or so. Thank you for reading my story!!! =)