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I Told You I'm Fine

Crashing Down

**Haley’s P.O.V. **

I walked out of the hospital anger. So what if he knows Cam? That doesn’t mean he knows me! Cam doesn’t need me; he has millions of other friends.

**Cam’s P.O.V. **

She left. I shouldn’t have said anything about Jamie. I should’ve kept my mouth shut. I can’t protect her because she’s not my girl. Maybe I just need a girlfriend to distract me.

“Cam, Cam, Cam, your crushing on that!” exclaimed a voice I instantly recognized as Honey’s. (Her mom was on loopy pills when she named Honey. Honey’s lucky though; her older sister is named Pony while her younger sisters are named Unicorn, Rainbow, and Flower. Her mom is crazy and they don’t have a dad, they have many dads.)

“Awe, leave him alone, Honey,” Tyler said as he walked back into the room.

“Why should I, Tyler, I’ve liked him for two years! You said wait and now I find out the girl he’s crushing on is a slut!” Honey shrieked. Well, that was news to me.

“Honey, I can’t choose who Cam likes or doesn’t like! And, for your information, Haley isn’t Jamie’s average girlfriend,” Tyler said heatedly, finishing softly.

“Oh really, how so?!”

“Well, she never slept with Jamie,” Tyler answered very softly. When Tyler had said that, the room went silent.

“She… she didn’t?” Honey stuttered in a stunned voice, looking as dumbstruck as the rest of us. Everyone is in awe, I thought. Apparently all Jamie’s past girlfriends slept with him. Wait, does that mean that the closest Haley’s come to doing ‘it’ is that night with me?! How did Tyler come to know this?

“How do you know?” I found myself asking him in a confused manner.

“Umm… some of Jamie’s friends found out that she’s still a virgin, so, their starting the game…,” Tyler trailed off.

“What kind of game?” I found myself asking, even though I was certain I knew exactly what game. Tyler just stared at me, confirming my suspicion. “What’s the prize?”

“Choice of any girl in the school and twenty dollars from everyone who is in the running.” I stared at Tyler. This is bad, really bad, I thought as a worried expression crossed my face. I can’t let this happen! We can’t let this happen, I thought looking up at Tyler.

“What game are you guys talking about?” KK asked.

“A game to steal Haley’s virginity, with or without her consent,” Tyler whispered just loud enough for them to hear. KK was silent but I could see the look of disgust on her face.

“We need a plan,” I said.

“We?” Honey asked.

“Yes we,” I answered. Honey stared at me like I was crazy before turning to Tyler for support.

“How would you feel if you were in her position and knew about this?” Tyler asked Honey.

Honey sighed and replied, “Alright, fine, but how? She probably won’t want to chill with us…”

“I need you to become her friends,” I spoke.

“What?!” all five girls screamed at me.

“Please, KK, Honey, Tori, Alex, Andy, please,” I begged.

“OK,” KK said, being the first to reply. The other girl sighed in agreement.

“Guys, someone will have to enter the competition, so we’ll know what’s happening.” I looked at the guys. Tyler shook his head, taking Tori’s hand in his. “Jake? Shane? Nathan? JC? Damien?”

“I’ll do it,” Shane said looking straight at me. Shane was new this year but he fit perfectly with Cam’s crew. He would be perfect for the job except, he didn’t even date.

“Shane, it would work but, you don’t even date,” I reminded him.

“Well… I can fool those guys easily because at my old school I did fool idiots like them. It was my job to spy on them and laugh about their idiocracies later.”

“Are you sure you want to do this for me?”

“Hey, Cam, dude I don’t think Haley is showing anyone except you her true personality. I want to get to know her; she is probably so much more than a pretty little bruised face.”

I stared at him; it’s amazing how much I trust him. “Well, then it’s settled. Please, guys, until I get out of here, watch over her. They all have different ways of doing this. Shane, ask her out for as many days as you can, so other can’t.” Shane nodded at me and waved a good-bye as he left.

“Get well soon, Cam,” Jake said as he, Nathan, JC, and Damien left, all waving good-bye.

“Cameron you had better-“

“Get well soon,” the twins Alex and Andy said as they left, finishing each other’s sentence with ease.

“Bye,” Honey said as she walked out grumpily.

KK walked over to me, kissed me on the forehead, gave me a hug, and said, “Get well soon, Cammys.”
Then she left with a worried look. You might think KK was in love with me, but in truth, she treated me like a baby brother. She had acted that way since we met in second grade. It had all started when she taught me how to skateboard.

“That is always going to be weird to see,” Tyler commented. Tori laughed a little, nodded at me, and stepped into the hall to wait for Tyler.

“You’ll watch over her, right?” I asked him.

“I promise, Cam, I won’t let the harm her. On the upside, Jamie can’t try to win.” I gave Tyler a confused look and he continued, “He pays the winner on hundred dollars. He can’t join in because they think he would have an unfair advantage.” I nodded, it made sense.

“Good luck,” I whispered. Tyler nodded and left. I am so worried about Haley. Where is she? Did she arrive home safely? Are her parents beating her? Is she okay? I wanted to cry but I can’t. I haven’t cried since I was five. I haven’t cried since my parents died.

**Haley’s P.O.V. **

Tomorrow. Tomorrow, I’ll decide my fate. Right now, I’ll just walk home. I hate being alone because when I’m alone, I think too much.

Right now, I’m thinking about Cam. What if he really does care about me? Why does he constantly stare at me? Why does it seem like I’m worth something to him? Endless questions, I sighed.

“Haley,” someone hollered out.

I looked over at the street; in a car was one of Cam’s friends. “Do you want a ride?” she asked.

I just stood there and stared at her, no one asks me that. She parked on the side of the road and climbed out of her car. She sat down on a bench that was next to the street. I made a quick decision and sat next to her, she seemed distressed.

We sat there for a long time; neither of us speaking. We had a silent understanding between us. That when I knew she and I could be friends. I got one of those gut feelings; like I imagine Gibbs gets (Gibbs is a character from NCIS). It felt like I could trust her with my life. And, yet, I still don’t know her name.

**Cam’s P.O.V. **

It’s dark outside. The street lights are on. I’ve been watching out my window, watching people coming and going. Nurses have been walking in and out of my room. I haven’t touched my dinner. The clock reads 9:30p.m. I can’t sleep or eat.

“Everything okay?” it’s the nurse.

“Yup, I’m fine,” I lie to her. She shook her head but left the room. I looked down at my dinner, meat loaf, mashed potatoes, and broccoli with cheese. I guess me not eating isn’t going to help Haley. I picked up my spork and started eating.

**Haley’s P.O.V. **

It’s dark now. We’re still sitting here. “Haley,” she said.

“Ya,” I answered.

“My name is Katherine, Katherine Konar,” she said. “Everyone calls me KK, though.”

“Well, I’m Haley Stock,” I told her.

“Do you need a ride home or maybe a ride to school tomorrow?” KK asked.

“Sure, KK,” I didn’t like the sound of KK. It should be more like Kat or Kitty. She stood up and walked toward her car. I followed like a duckling follows its mother. She opened the passenger door and gesture for me to get in. I climbed in and shut the door. She hopped in, closed her door, and we both buckled up. Kitty turned the car on and looked at me. I gave her directions to my house and we were off.

“So, how do you know Cam?” I asked, curiously.

“Well, it was after school on a Thursday; I was in second grade. He was trying to skateboard but he was so bad, every time he got on the board, he fell right off. I didn’t like that, so I walked over and helped him up. Then, I started teaching him to skateboard. Two weeks later, he brought his skateboard to school. After school, he was riding rails and all the kids thought he was so cool. He and I easily became friends. He’s like my baby brother. I love him so much and I don’t care who he falls in love with, just as long as he’s happy,” she explained, smiling at the end.

“Wow, you guys go way back. Right here’s good, Kitty,” I told her.

She laughed and said, “You and Cam think alike, he calls me Kitty when it’s only me and him or when Tyler’s there. I’ll pick you up tomorrow for school.”

“Thanks, Kitty!”

“Oh and here,” she handed me a piece of paper with a number on it. “Call me if you need anything.”

“Thank you,” I told her knowing that she had no idea how much this meant to me. I walked into my house. It was weird, and something didn’t feel right.

“Haley Alice Stock, where the hell have you been?” my dad yelled to me.

“I was with my friends,” I mumbled.

“What friends?!” my mother laughed.

“I have friends!”

“Whatever,” my mom replied. I swear, sometimes she acts like a twelve year old. I just shook my head and started my way upstairs. My dad’s eyes bore into my back as I walked upstairs. He looked calm, while my mom looked angry. I slipped down the hall, into my room, and locked the door. My life is so damn frustrating.

I flopped down on my black comforter with silver swirls and buried my head under my feather pillow. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about my life it’s that no matter how many cuts, bruises, or attempted suicides I inflict upon myself or receive, life goes on. It’s like getting on a roller coaster, once you’re on there’s no getting off. One big difference for me is that a roller coaster is so much more fun than my life. My roller coaster has sick people on it and my coaster has fallen off it track. The ride’s not over yet, though.
♠ ♠ ♠
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