Darling, this is a Cause-Effect Relationship

Chapter Eight

John was at the makeshift alter, behind him was the open ocean, he looked nothing short of amazing. At this point, though, he could have been in a pair of sweat pants and an over sized t-shirt and I would still be more than happy to marry him. The four other members of The Maine were lined up behind John wearing blue jeans and solid black v-neck shirts, while my sisters, mom, and my best friend, Whitney, stood on my side. My dad walked my down the isle to my place in front of John, before taking his assigned place.

The entirety of the wedding went amazingly; the reception, well that's a whole other story. Cake got shoved in everyone's faces. I yelled at Kennedy and Pat for wearing dirty jeans to my wedding, freaking them out, before telling them I was merely kidding.

I stripped down into my swim suit and gather the boys, they got changed into their swimsuits as I told them to, and we all went and got John. I decided that if this boy and I were going to spend our lives together, he better be able to go with anything I throw his way.

Together, the boys got John onto the shore and I came running out and ran into him, full speed, taking him into the water with me.

"What the hell?" He asked as we surfaced.

"I hate water," I replied, laughing so hard I could feel my face turning red, "but I love you."

I closed the gap between our lips and pulled away from him momentarily to look at his, wet hair covered, face.

"So, Mrs. O'Callaghan, how does it feel to be a married woman?" He asked me kissing my lips quickly, but softly.

"If feel pretty damn amazing, how does it feel to be a married man, my dearest Johnny Boy?" I asked him after replying.

"It feels more fucking amazing then you could ever know, just knowing that you're mine forever," He replied happily.

"I think I have at least a slight idea," I told him, with a large smile, pressing my nose to his as he lifted me slightly. He smiled back at me before leaning in, I kissed him as he clued me to.

I was more than ready to start my chaotic life married to the boy of my dreams.
♠ ♠ ♠
I never intended on this being so short.

Whitney and I are gonna team up and do something, so keep your eyes peeled for that! :D