Wave goodbye to all as I fall

Eli is a 17 year old girl who just wants to get away and do her own thing. In the town she lives in something is always going on but its mostly bad. She’s in a band with 4 other guys, one who she is falling hard for. Coming from a broken home and being who she is, Eli has to try and forget about her horrible past and learn to move on.

Main Characters :
Eli: Has killer hazel eyes, medium shoulder length hair thats dark brown with red and blonde streaks. She's the lead singer of her band who comes from a broken home.

Ayden: Has killer brown eyes, blackish brown "emo-boy" hair. He's 17 years old. The guitar player in the band. Comes from a nice home and family.

Gerard: Has green eyes and short black hair. Plays the drums in the band. Comes from a decent family. He's 17 years old.

Kevin: Has green eyes like Gerard's and has brownish blond hair. He's the other guitar player. He's the only child and has only a mother. He is drug addicted. He's 17 years old.

Davis: Has blue eyes and light-dark brown "emo-boy" hair. Bass player in the band. He too comes from a broken home like Eli. He's 17 years old.

{there are other characters but these are basically the main ones}