Wave goodbye to all as I fall

The fight.

{{Ayden's P.O.V}}

I sat in front of Eli, who was now on the ground leaning her head on the cold metal of the swing-set. I knew this would be a long night once our eyes finally meet. I couldn't get what she was feeling at this moment, not even from her eyes, they seemed to be emotionless. I realized, after 2 minutes, Eli wasn't going to start speaking. So I did instead.

"So tell me.........what the fuck is wrong!?" I tried sounding as calm as possible, but I don't think it worked.

Eli stared at me for a few seconds before shaking her head and saying

"Me? whats wrong with you. I didn't do anything."

I glared at her. Fine, if she was going to play rough I sure as hell wasn't going to step down.

"You were sitting on some other guys lap doing god knows what while being fucking wasted!" I screamed louder then expected to. Eli grabbed hold of the closest bar and dragged herself to her feet.

"What the hell are you talking about!? I didn't do anything! So don't be accusing me." she slurred.

I just shook my head saying
"You just don't get it. You never fucking get it. Do you have any idea how much your screwing up affects things. The band, me, yourself. I mean really, you just never think about others." I could feel anger coming through me, but at the same time guilt.

After a moment or two of thinking Eli said nothing. She let go of the bar, swaying abit, and started walking in the direction of her house. I didn't know what to do but my body reacted before my mind could think. I ran towards her and grabbed her arm, pulling her back.

"Leave me the fuck alone." she screamed yanking her arm free with force. She started to run but stumbled back of course. She was half way down the street when I finally decided to follow her, after I battled with my conscience.

After minutes of walking, and walking, and running, we finally made it to Eli's house.
She wasted no time, she walked straight up to the door, pushed it open, and walked straight in. I could see a big shadow like figure standing alittle aways from the door. Eli seemed to not care or notice, but then again she was still basically wasted. I could also see a light go on in what was bond to be Eli's room.

I backed alittle away from the house waiting for Eli to come out. Finally I saw a wasted Eli get thrown out of the door onto her lawn, holding a book. I ran her way and grabbed her up in my arms. She pushed the book into my hand before I could say anything. I took it gratefully and carried us back to the garage.

comments are loved.
im going to start making the chapters a little longer come chapter 11.