How I Missed You.

One of Those Days

Everything changed that day. I hugged a goodbye to my childhood friend, my first friend, my best friend. Sitting in the back seat I saw Isabella turn her head, those sad eyes, that gorgeous smile turned down in a frown with her lips trembling. I just couldn't believe she was leaving, would i ever see her again? I didn't know.

I lifted my hand, to wave goodbye, but the car turned the corner before I could even get halfway. My mother, Sharon (not that I was allowed to call her that) put her arm around my shoulder. My eyes started to water and the tears began to fall, I couldn't hld it in any longer. I put my head against my mothers shoulder and bawled my eyes out.

Being five I had the excuse to cry, if my father was around he'd say it was I should take it like a man. But he wasn't here and he never would be. Running off with that skank was the worst thing he ever did, and in the end he payed for it. Incase your wondering, he drove off a cliff and he and the skank both died of fatal wounds. i felt no remorse that day, he left u and didn't deserve our sympathy. I'm sounding mean, right? Well trust me, if your dad did that to you, you'd get mad as well.

So, that day changed everything, but that as years ago. Nine years to be exact and now everything is different.


"Honey! Honey! James! GET UP NOW!" My mum burst through the bedroom door, with a bang that set my teeth on edge.

I grabbed my blanket and hid my face underneath it to cover the sunlight streaming into the room as my mother opened the curtains. "Mum! Come on! It's only..." I stopped, what was the time?

My mother answered the question for me, "Eight thirty!" She said in a quiet but harsh voice.

Crap! How did this always happen to me? I swear I turned the alarm on last night, why is it I never hear it?

My mum shook her head in disapproval and left the room, how was I ever going to make her happy. There's was only one thing she had ever asked me to do, do well in school. And so far, I was failing miserably.

I kicked my blankets off and grabbed my school uniform off the desk chair. After changing I headed downstairs to make myself breakfast.

It was going to be another one of those days, wasn't it?