How I Missed You.

It was worth it, but it wasn't.

I did get sick and so did Isabella. A few hours after the ice cream we both started getting really sore stomachs. Turns out it was the food at the restaurant because both our mum’s had ice cream too but they weren’t sick.

We spent the rest of our time on the floor of the bathroom. Isa and her mum stayed the night because Isabella was too sick to move and it was already really late.

“How are they?” I heard Julie ask my mum through the bathroom door.

“Just the same,” my mother side, “You know I think I’m going to call up the restaurant and make a complaint.”

I lifted my head up over the edge of the toilet as I felt my food rising up my throat. Instinctively Isabella covered her ears as I threw up. Then it was her turn. It had been going on like this for sometime now. I’d throw up, then she would. Then I few minutes later I’d throw up again and then so would she. It amazed me that we still had enough food left in our stomachs.

I wiped my mouth on my towel and gagged when I tasted the vomit on my lips. I took a giant gulp of water to wash away the taste. “not exactly how I pictured the night,” I attempted to laugh but instead a croaking sound left my lips.

“Mmm,” Isabella mumbled.

I sighed, lying down on my side, resting my cheek on the cool floor.

“Your bathroom hasn’t changed,” Isabella noted suddenly.

“Yeah, well, sorry I haven’t done any renovation in the last nine years.”

Isabella giggled, “That’s okay. I wasn’t really talking about that anyway. I was just remembering how we use to play hide and seek and you hid in the bath that one time. You were lying face down and I creeping in and turn the tap on. You were soaked and you refused to include the bathroom in the game anymore.”

“Oh yeah,” I laughed. Not a good idea.

“Ready for another round?” Isabella asked.

I just nodded before throwing up into the toilet bowl.



I woke up and it was warm. I looked around and saw that I was in James’s bed; he was lying next to me, his mouth hanging open. I laughed before I realised how sore my throat was. I grabbed the glass off James’s bedside table and gulped the remaining water.

I felt James stir and then he yawned, “Hey,” he said.

“Hi,” I smiled, handing him the other glass of water.

He gulped it down, “How’s your stomach?”

“Much better,” I replied, patting it. “Yours?”

“Never been better,” he smiled. I looked at his lips then, damn it. Why did he have to smile and remind me of how I kissed him? I honestly don’t know what came over me. Maybe it was the shock of seeing him after all these years. Maybe it was just puberty telling me to have my first kiss already. I never told Mitchie I’d never kissed a boy before, she’d laugh if he knew and that was the last thing I needed. I remembered when we were kids and we use to talk about marriage. we made a promise to each other that we’d get married. That was before hormones and having kids. I had always imagined my wedding as the perfect day and every time James was always the groom, but I always thought that was just because he was the only guy I knew.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I blushed, realising I must have spaced out. I masked my emotions with a smile and tried not to look directly into James’s eyes.

There was a knock at the door and Sharon and my mum entered, “How are you kids feeling?” They asked.

“Fine/Better,” we said.

“Well it’s eight o’clock so we were wondering if you wanted something to eat?” Sharon asked.

“And your phone has been ringing non-stop young lady. It’s that Mitchie girl,” my mother told me.

“Mitchie?” I asked, sitting up in bed to fast it made my head spin, James grabbed my shoulder and brought me back down. “She’s going to kill me,” I told them.

“I’m sure she’ll understand if you’re sick,” James said.

“Oh and James, Cooper left you a message, something about meeting at the park after lunch,” Sharon said.

“Cooper? Park?” he asked, sitting up like I did then lying back down because he got dizzy.

“I’m sure he’ll understand you can’t come because you’re sick,” I told him mockingly.

He groaned and greased me off. I just smiled in return.

“Come on you two, up,” my mother said, “your stomachs must be empty; you threw up everything you ate for the last two weeks last night.”

I groaned this time. Getting out of bed turned out to be somewhat of a chore for us, during the night we had become so tangled up in blankets we didn’t know what was what. At one point I told James to left go of my leg, only to realise that it was my hand doing the holding. In the end we decided on the practical approach, we fell out of bed and landed in a heap on James’s floor.

“Are you two getting up or playing sea monsters in there?” Sharon yelled at us.

“We’ll be down in a minute!” We yelled, attempting to stand.

“Okay wait, how about you get up first and then I’ll pull the blankets off you,” James suggested after a few minutes of attempted freedom searching.

“Fine,” I sighed grabbing the bed and hauling myself up. James helped me by catching my back when I almost fell. Once I was free of the sea monster, I unrolled James and we both made our way down stairs to bacon and eggs.

“You better call Mitchie,” my mother said, “I think she’s getting restless.”

I grabbed my phone as I heard my mother whisper to James at Mitchie being a bad influence. I rolled my eyes as I dialed Mitchie’s number.

“Oh my god!” an exasperated voice came from the other end, “Why didn’t you call me yesterday? I left you a bazillion messages.”

“I’m sorry Mitch, my mum was having a phone free evening,” I told her.

She sighed, “Fine. Are you still coming over today?”

“Oh right,” I remember, I had plans with Mitchie today. I was supposed to help her get ready for her date with Josh “Can I get a rain check on that please?”

“What?” Mitchie screamed at me.

“It’s just that I’m not at home and it’s going to take over two hours to get there.” I tried to explain.

“What do you mean you’re not at home?” Mitchie continued to scream.

“Look, can I just explain this later. I’m missing out on bacon and eggs.”

“I’m going to kill you Isabella!” I shut my phone with a sigh.

I turned around to see James laughing at me and couldn’t help but smile.

“So that’s Mitchie?” he asked as I sat down.

“Oh yeah, that’s Mitchie.”