How I Missed You.

The Mysterious Caller

I dived to the ground and grabbed the phone in my left hand holding it back up to my ear within two seconds.

“Don’t tell a soul, I’ll know,” the voice whispered, and then the line went dead.

I stared dumbstruck, not looking at anything. I closed the phone, slipped it back in my pocket. Then Jamie was speaking to me.

“Who was it?” Jamie asked. When I didn’t respond he shook my shoulder with more force than necessary. “James? Speak to me!”

“I-I don’t know. I don’t know who it was.”

“What did they say then?”

“I don’t, I can’t remember,” Should I tell Jamie? The voice said not to, he said he’d know if I did. But this was proof; Isabella didn’t run away, everyone could stop searching. No, Isabella didn’t run away. It was worse than that, Isabella had been kidnapped. And her life was in danger.

Jamie sighed in frustration and stomped back over to the trees.

I dragged myself to the swings and plopped down, fumbling for my phone. The mysterious caller had put their phone on private, but I had caller ID. It wasn’t a number I recognized so it couldn’t be some stupid prank, not that anyone knew Isabella was missing. I dialed the number and let it ring.

No answer.

One more try.

Still, no answer.

I almost threw my phone out of anger.

Where are you Isa?



The light’s switched on, blinding me with their powerful rays. I cringed back into the darkness, my haven from current reality.

My kidnapper entered the room carrying a phone. With a sudden pang I realised it was mine. How many people had called me since I disappeared? Do they even realise I’m missing? What time is it?

He threw the phone onto the only chair in the room. Just out of my reach.

He chuckled, “Don’t worry, you’ll be out of here soon enough.”

I hadn’t struck my notice before, being too scared to think, but I had never seen the man’s face. He either always had his back to me, or was wearing a hoodie casting a shadow over his face making it impossible to identify him. But if I could, would I recognize him? Is he someone I know putting on a fake voice to scare me? This could all be some big joke. A pretty sick joke to play, I thought.

He walked over, pulling the sticky tape off my mouth making my groan. I took deep breaths in through my mouth; the room hadn’t been cleaned lately.

“What do you mean?” I coughed.

“Nothing you need to worry about little girl. Just don’t move.”

“Like I can,” I muttered.

“What was that?” He snapped, stopping in his tracks as he exited the room. “Hmph, better watch out. I don’t have to give you back,” he sneered.

It felt like someone had grabbed my heart and pulled it out of my body while still keeping it beating so as to make me suffer. He made up his mind right then and there; he wasn’t going to give me back.

“Goodnight,” he whispered, closing the door and once again switching the lights off.

I had to get out.