How I Missed You.

It's a Mouse!

I must have fallen asleep because when I came too I the light was one, my kidnapper was no where to be seen but he must have been close by, he never leaves the light on.

That’s when I heard it, the noise, like a squeaking. A mouse? No, it couldn’t be. What would a mouse be doing here?

I gasped as I felt something touch my elbow. Squinting, I looked down. “No way,” I whispered. It was a mouse. A mouse come to my rescue, I must be delusional. With a squeak the mouse ran off, escaping through a crack in the wall. If only it were that easy for me. I sighed, maybe, if I wished hard enough, I could become a mouse, or a puddle of goo. Then I could just slide under the door. At least my imagination was still in tact.


The drive back home was a long one, too long. What could I do? I have to do something; Isabella’s life was in my hands. If I ever found out who kidnapped her I’d murder them with my bare hands.


“Yes mum?” she must have seen the look on my face.

“I wouldn’t worry about Isabella, she’s a tough girl. She can look after herself.”

You don’t understand! She’s been kidnapped! I wanted to tell her so badly, but I just couldn’t risk that guy finding out. Maybe I was bugged. “Yeah mum, I know.”

She bit her bottom lip and turned back to the road just as the lights turned green.

I sat in silence for the rest of the trip, watching the world go by and trying to not think too much. Thinking gave me headaches. We turned the corner into our street and from a distance I saw a hooded figure standing in forn of our mail box. He looked up as mum pulled into the driveway.

“Jacob,” I muttered under my breath.

“I’ll be inside dear,” mum said.

I nodded, opening my door and turning to Jacob. “What are you doing here?”

“Look man, I wanna make amends with Isabella. I haven’t been the nicest guy and-“ he stopped. “What happened?”

The guy knew me well. Slowly and carefully I said, “Isabella’s missing.”

His jaw dropped, “Wh-whe-what? Ho-why?”

“I don’t know,” I lied.

“Geez,” he sighed, running a hand through his messy hair. “Shouldn’t you be out looking for her?”

“We were, there’s not sign,” my voice was distant. Then, “You’re right, maybe she’s here. This was her home,” what I didn’t say was that her kidnapper might be here too. “You’re brilliant Jacob.”

“I am?”

“Mum! I’m going out with Jacob!” I called, no need to tell her what I was doing, she’d just insist on coming along.

Turning Jacob around I steered him in the direction of the park.

“So where are we looking?” he asked.

I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. Where could we look? Isabella didn’t run away, so she’s not going to be out in the open. “Your house.”

“My house?”

“Yep,” I needed a place to think.

“Dude I don’t think she’s hiding out at my place,” Jacob said confused.

“Well duh! I just need to get my head around this. And I’ve gotta tell you something, privately.” I didn’t know why I wanted to tell Jacob about the phone call. It was a spur of the moment decision. Did I trust him enough? More then Jamie definitely, but more than my mum? I mean he did punch me in the face.

“Um, okay.”

We walked in silence from then on. Jacob kept glancing at me like I’d gone crazy but never said a word.

We reached his house a few minutes later. “Come up to my room, we can talk there.”

I nodded, following him up the stairs.

His room was messy, more so than mine. “Okay so why are you insane all of a sudden?”

“I’m not insane, I just-“

“Freddy?!” Jacob exclaimed.

“Freddy?” I asked.

Jacob blushed, “Uh yeah, he’s my pet mouse.”