The coin

The Powers Of The Coin

Remembering that I only had about 3 minutes left now I quickly shoved my phone and newly found coin deep into my blue jean pocket. Then i did a mad dash through the water, grabbed my shoes and proceded to hurry through my neighbors yard into my neighborhood. I thought that I was late so i snuck to the back of my house, climbed through my window and figured I’d just get into my pajamas and pretend like I’ve been here for a while. After I had done that, I walked downstairs to say goodnight to my mom. She was in her usual spot, on the computer talking to her friends and checking her flights. I tapped her on her shoulder carefully so then I wouldn’t scare her to much. I noticed that she did not move an inch so I looked over her shoulder to see what she was doing and the time in the corner of the screen caught my eye. 9:57 it said, but how could that be possible? With my mom still not moving the thoughts rushed into my head like a speeding bullet. With all of these thoughts at once I didn’t stop to think logicly and I just went for the first answer to my question that I could think of, the coin. I quickly ran back into my room found my jeans and looked in the pocket to see the coin still in there. I reached in and pulled it out to examine it, maybe the coin had something to do with all of this. The moment I pulled the coin from my pocket I felt a jolt, almost like the feeling of falling hard on the ground and getting the wind knocked back into you. I then saw my clock suddenly change to 9:58. I then knew what I had just discovered. I know possessed the power to stop time with the simple putting of the coin in my pocket!
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Again this is just a draft of the piece i am writting for my language arts class so i might have a few gramatical errors in it
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stay tuned for the next paragraph about tomarrow afternoon