Sequel: The Forbidden Baby

Daddy's Little Doll.

I made a cut.

The other night my father had fallen asleep and I skipped the whole horrible event. Well, until the next morning. He snuck into my room and did it there. He was too lazy to even put on anything this time. I stayed home and cried myself to sleep. He had taken Maybell to Grans when I started to cry. So now I was home alone.

I went to my bathroom showering. I rubbed myself hard and rough with our horse hair brush. I rubbed until my whole body was red. When I was done I sat in the shower.

I wanted to die. I wanted to die so bad. I slipped on a towel and went to the kitchen. I grabbed our sharpest knife and held it to my wrist. It took a lot of pressure to start making me bleed. I gradually ran the knife deeper and slide it across my wrist. The blood was starting to make me feel faint.

I dropped the knife at the sudden knock that was on my front door. I walked over to the door opening it. I held my arms towards myself after I opened the door. It was the number one person that had seen me in every situation.

Marc Rider.

“What?” I asked. I could feel the blood flowing further down my wrist. I didn’t care if he had seen the blood.

“I saw you weren’t in school today and-” He said then looked down.

“What is wrong with your wrist?” He intruded grabbing my wrist. I winched at his grab and tried not to pull it away.

“A freak accident.” I said sarcastically.

“God damn it Peyton.” He said pulling me up the stairs.

“Where is your bathroom?” He asked just pulled me to where he thought it was at. He pushed me onto the toilet and started to look through the cabinets. He pulled out the alcohol and poured it over the cut. It sent a burning shiver throughout me.

“Fuck!” I screamed holding my wrist to me.

“What the hell do you think you are doing to yourself?” He asked his hair now messed up from the frazzle.

“Trying to end this!” I said in a yell.

“End what?” He yelled back slamming his fist onto the wall.

“You are being pathetic! Killing yourself is a fucking retarded way out of everything. What about Maybell?” He said making me finally think bout her. I started to cry and I held my hands to my face crying into them. The tears ran down my wrist stinging it a little.

“I forgot.” I whisperd. He sighed hugging me a little.

“I’m sorry for yelling at you.” He said. I shook my head. I needed to be yelled at. I needed Marc right now. What if he hadn’t come? Would I have killed myself? Maybell would have been taken care of by my father.
“Then he would rape her too.” I mumbled under my breath.
“What did you say?” he asked now moving my hands from my face. I shook my head wiping my eyes.
“Nothing, can you let me get changed now?” I asked. He finally took a good look at me and saw I was in a towel. He blushed looking away.
“Yeah.” I got changed and went downstairs. I fell to sleep with my head on Marc’s lap. It was like I was floating on a cloud. I guess he left a long while before my father had come home because he didn’t say anything about seeing my teacher.
I was punished about the cut though. He hit me with a leather belt. I had never been beaten like that before. It was still better then what happened after though.
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=] :P XD
Not writing until tomorrow.
Night night.