Sequel: The Forbidden Baby

Daddy's Little Doll.

Her name was Maybell June Mercy.

Just as I promised I didn’t go to school for the rest of the week. It wasn’t until my father’s protest that I did something.

“Go to school.” My father said pulling on his button up shirt. I slipped on my T-shirt as I sat on the bed in his room.

“Alright.” I whispered looking away from him now.

“Peyton…” I couldn’t tell where he was looking. “You’ve grown up nicely. Your mother would be proud.” He said then began to leave for work. I felt nauseous and my heart felt like a knife had run through it.

“I’m leaving first.” I said then ran down the stairs and left. I ran the entire way to school. When I got there I realized that I had left everything at home. I didn’t care though. School would be over soon anyway. I went to my second to last class and it was over as soon as I walked through the door.

I just made my way to my least favorite teacher. I sat in the back hoping he wouldn’t notice.

“Peyton. Move up here.” He said hitting my normal desk with a ruler. I laid my head on my desk and tried to fall asleep.

“Peyton, tell us who wrote Taming of the Shrew?”


“Good Job. You actually listened for once.”

“No, listening to you is like watching paint dry. Boring as shit.”

“Peyton don’t curse.”

“Let me sleep then.” I said snuggling more into my arms.

“You know if y9ou want to get out of school you can just take a test.”

“My father won’t let me.” I said then fell asleep. I had a dream about my mother. She was rocking me in my chair and I was just relaxing in her arms.

“Peyton, school is over.” I heard Marc say as he wiped a tissue over my face. I sat up and took the tissue, I was crying in my sleep.

“Thank you.” I said then got up.

“Is anything going on at home?” He asked hitting a soft spot.

“What isn’t?” I scoffed.

“Just a question, where does my daughter go during school?”

“To her grandparents, even though that’s none of your business.” I said running a hand through my short hair. I noticed he was looking at my chest. I looked down and saw that I was leaking though my shirt. I had forgotten to put on a bra.

“Fuck!” I yelled grabbing some tissues from his desk patting them to my shirt.

“You’re a pervert too, you know that right? Looking at a student’s breast? I can sure you!” I said crossing my arms.

“I am really sorry.” He said looking down as he shook his head.

“You sure are a pain in the ass.” I said leaving before him.

This teacher was going to be the death of me. Always doing such annoying things.
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=] :P XD