Sequel: The Forbidden Baby

Daddy's Little Doll.

His favorite place is the kitchen.

I sat at dinner alone. Well, not alone. Maybell was there in her little bouncer. I held the house phone in my hand shaking. I wanted to call Dylan. I dialed in the number and I held the phone in my ear. The ringing sound was making my stomach twirl

“Hello?” A woman said into the phone.

“Is Dylan there?” I asked in a low vouce.

“No, he’s at lacrosse practice.” She said. I swallowed a little bit of calmness coming to myself.

“Oh, okay. Goodbye.” I said then hung up. I was looking down and didn’t even notice my father was there.

“You were calling that boy again.” My father said walking over to me. My stomach started to ache in fear. I was cornered.

“It was only for a second.” I said trying not to hide my face as I lowered my voice. It took only a second for me to feel his thick hand hit my cheek knocking me to the floor.

“I told you never to call that boy, all he brought was trouble.” He said, I started to cry.

“I just wanted to see if he changed his mind about seeing her.” I whimpered out as I sat up wiping at my eyes.

“That boy is a piece of shit and doesn’t even deserve to see daylight.”

“No he isn’t!” I yelled in a sob. My father stood over me for a while before sighing. He bent down and picked me up in a hug.

“I’m sorry Peyton. Don’t cry sweetie.” He said. I held back my tears and the shaking from my body.

“Now, where is dinner?” He asked letting me go. I pointed over to the stove and he left me standing alone.

“I’m going to my room now.” I said starting to pick up Maybell.

“No, sit with me at dinner.” He said starting to eat. I sat down opposite of him and looked down the entire time. When he was done he kissed me on the head then tilted my head up and kissed me full on the lips. He had been drinking earlier. I could taste it.

I hated this, I hated me.

He eagerly laid me down on the kitchen floor and started to undress me like a Barbie doll. The floor was cold and all I could do was look up at the ceiling. I knew I wasn’t strong enough to hold him back already. There was no point in resisting.

But, then there was a knock on the door.

“Do get it.” He said buttoning up my pants again before getting off of me. I got up and opened the door to see Marc. I slid down my shirt and stared at him.

“Hi.” I whispered moving my eyes off of him slowly.

“Hello” He said bending down to connect eyes with me again. I moved out of the house closing the door behind me.

“What do you want?” I said stepping out of the house.

“Want to take a walk? You seemed distressed about something that was going to happen tonight. So, I thought, why not take you out for a while tonight to delay that.” He said making me finally look at him directly. He had a crooked smile on his face and his eyes seemed to have a sparkle.

“Sure, I have to do something first.” I said then walked back into the house. I got Maybell into her warm clothes and into her carriage.

“I’m taking Maybell on a small walk.” I shouted to my father before rushing out. I pushed the carriage out of the house and saw Marc waiting at the end of the walkway. When he looked up he gazed at the carriage.

“I wasn’t expecting to see you.” He said leaning so his face was near Maybell’s. She sneezed in his face making him and me laugh.

“She’s really cute.” He said with a smile. I held back a smile and walked beside him. We stayed in silence and I paid more attention to my surrounds then to him. I guess it was one of those mother things.

“How is it to have a child?” He asked.

“Hectic but fun. It’s the cutest thing when I give her a bath.” I said in a low voice looking forward.

“Cute.” He said. I liked this walk with him.

“Mind if I walk her?” He asked looking at my face now. I looked at him for a second before stopping and letting go. He grabbed on and walked slowly. I cooed to Maybell from the side and she would just look at me with those cute little eyes.

“I would imagine she looks like her father.” He said. I touched my cheek remembering earlier.

“Yeah, a lot.” I whispered.

“Sorry if I hit a soft spot.”

“No, it’s just something with my father from earlier.” I said looking away.

“What happened?”

“Nothing important.”

“You know, you don’t look so crappy right now.” He said with a jackassed smile. Involuntarily my lip twitched

“I try not to curse around Maybell. I actually hardly talk around her.” I said being honest. I just didn't know how to talk around her.

“Talking helps stimulate the brain for children.” He said.

“Yeah, let me tell you, I’ll talk to her about fu-, I mean how messed up life really is then.” I said looking down.

“Life is what you make it.”

“Yeah, and skittles make real rainbow.”
♠ ♠ ♠
By the way.
I wanna know your opinion of what your favorite chapter is so far.
=] :P XD