Destination Beautiful

XI - You've Had Your Chance

11 You’ve Had Your Chance

“I can’t leave because I’m pregnant.. I’m pregnant.. pregnant..” The words kept echoing in Billie Joe’s hear ever since the first time he’d heard them that morning. And still he had trouble believing it. The thought of kids had never crossed his mind before, and he was almost certain it hadn’t crossed Adrienne’s either. She seemed quite helpless and scared, even before she’d sput the news. He wanted nothing more than to soothe her, take her in his arms and tell her it was all gonna be okay. But then she told him what was wrong, and it was as if he was struck by lightning. Adrienne’s announcement made such an impact on Billie Joe, he wasn’t sure what to say or do for a moment. And he just stood there, looking at her. She shut her eyes down, maybe to cover up some forming tears.

“I’m sorry, Billie” she whispered, before she turned around to go back inside.

He’d stood on her porch for a little while, not wanting to leave her like this, but Adrienne remained inside. Eventually, Billie Joe had left, trying to figure out what to do.


For the second time that day, Billie Joe found himself standing on Adrienne’s doorstep. He wasn’t gonna screw up a second time. He’d come to Minnesota with a plan, and he was determined to go through with that, no matter what. He sighed and rang the doorbell.

After waiting for what seemed like ages, the door slowly opened and Adrienne peeked her head around the door.

“Hey..” Billie said.

Adrienne smiled a bit.

“Listen,” he said. “I’ve been thinking. Come with me. Let’s go to California together. We could get us a place, our own place. I could play gigs to earn the money we need. And maybe it will be tough, but we’ll make it. Maybe this whole major label shit, maybe that will pay off too. I could always get a job, too. Please Adie. I can take care of you. Both of you.”

Billie Joe looked at her expectantly, waiting for a reaction, hoping for a yes. But Adrienne didn’t do anything. She didn’t move, didn’t say anything. She seemed scared to look Billie Joe directly in the eyes though, as if she had something to hide.

“Don’t be scared..” Billie whispered, taking one of her hands.

At that same time, the sound of an opening door came from inside the house.

“Adie, babe?”


“Cathy, sweetie,” I called, knocking on my sister’s bedroom door.

“Get up, it’s time for school!”

I heard some groaning and I smiled, shaking my head a bit as I walked downstairs to prepare breakfast.


Billie Joe tried to ignore what he’d just heard, but Adrienne responded straight away. She quickly let go of Billie’s hands, looking him swiftly in the eye before turning around to face whoever was inside the house. Billie Joe tried to peek around the door and follow what was going on inside, but he heard nothing more than some mumbling.

A hand slipped around Adrienne’s waist and was laid flat on her stomach.

“Baby, I’m waiting..” a voice whispered in her ear before a soft kiss was placed behind it.

“It won’t take long, I promise.”

“What were you doing?”

“Just talking..”

“That long? Who’s at the door? Is it him?”

“We weren’t talking for that long-“

“Is that him at the door??” the voice started to sound more powerful now.

“Yes, it’s him, and it’s not my fault we needed to talk!”

He sniffed, pushing her aside and roughly opening the door.

“What are you doing here?”


There he was. The secret she’s been trying to hide. The reason he had to come here in the first place. Billie Joe took a good look at the guy who was standing in the doorway. Tall, brown hair that seemed to fall just too perfect for it not to be straightened. Let alone the fake tan. Was that really him? Billie Joe couldn’t quite believe Adrienne would switch over to someone, something, quite like that. He must’ve done something to win her over like that. The asshole probably persuaded her, manipulating jackass.

Billie Joe could feel the anger inside him building up. Who was he to take advantage of his girlfriend?

The stranger’s eyes seemed to be piercing a hole straight through his head.

“Well..?” he spat.

“I am here to see my girlfriend,” Billie Joe said, standing up straight. He knew that he was well shorter as the guy standing in front of him, but he wasn’t going to give up on Adrienne that easily.

“Excuse me?”

“I’m here for Adrienne,” Billie said.

“Well she’s not yours anymore.”

“And who are you to tell me?”

“She’s with me now. And we’re more happy as you guys will ever be.”

Billie Joe could feel his fists clenching in his pockets.

“Shut up,” he said. “Adrienne and I are perfectly happy.”

The man in front of him started laughing. “Happy.. Good one! The moment she-“

“Gavin, stop!” Adrienne said, reappearing from behind the door.

“Shut up, you,” Gavin said, not taking his eyes off of Billie Joe.

“The moment she could get her hands on me she did!”

Billie Joe was taken aback for a moment and glanced over to Adrienne.

“She was so sick of you, and your whiney little band that she praised the moment that I finally came along, the perfect guy she had to wait for way too long. And we love eachother,”

That was it. The final drop. Billie Joe sniffed.

“Shut up!” he screamed, pushing himself against Gavin to get inside.

Gavin, however, was at least a few inches taller as Billie Joe and obviously had the gymnasium as a second home.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” he said, grabbing Billie by the shoulders and pushing him roughly against the wall outside, causing Billie Joe to hit his head hard against the concrete. But Billie didn’t even notice.

“Don’t you tell me what to do,” he groaned, trying to get loose.

Gavin tightened his grip.

“Gavin, let him go!” Adrienne said.

“I will damn well tell you what to do you bastard. You need to get the fuck out of here and leave Adie the fuck alone. We’re together now, we love eachother, you’ve had your chance and now it’s gone and she’s with me now,” Gavin sputtered, drops of his spit falling on Billie Joe’s face.

“She could never love you,” Billie said.

“Shut up!” he said, pushing him against the wall again.

“If she didn’t love me than why would she start a family with me?”

Billie Joe turned silent, no longer trying to escape the grasp he was in. He stared at Adrienne, who looked down to the ground. Gavin grinned and loosened his grip.

“Maybe you should go, Billie..” Adrienne managed to say with a cracking voice.

All Billie could do was gaze at her.

“See? You heard her. Get the fuck out of here.”

Billie returned his gaze to Gavin. He took a breath.

“You’re right, maybe I should go..” he said.

“Good boy,” Gavin said, releasing Billie Joe.

Billie stepped forward and suddenly felt all his rage boiling up. He could feel his fist clenching again and within a second he’d raised his arm and threw all his anger, frustration and sadness in the single punch he gave Gavin in the face, before turning around and walking away, not sure where he was going.
♠ ♠ ♠
Waaaaaaaay late.. I've decided not to give up on this after all, so expect more soon :)