It's a Vampire thing

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

His eyes were dark and cold as they feel upon my figure standing in the corner of the room. I just stood there baffled at what I saw, this thing this person was not human. He had just taken on 3 huge guys and now they all lay scattered on the floor.

But…back to his eyes, most of the time I can read peoples thoughts they’re feelings ya know through they’re eyes but his were cold and dark. His face was pale and hair long about shoulder length. He could sense my fear as he turned his head side to side trying to figure me out himself.

“Who are you, and why are you here?” his voice was low and not a deep kind of low he just talked calmly and quietly like nothing just happened

“I, I umm” my lips quivered I was so nervous I bit right into my lower lip and immediately could taste lead or iron in my mouth. I soon realized the taste was blood. His nose started wiggling like a blood hound on a scent. As he took deep breaths into the air.

“Tell me now, who are you, who sent you here?” his voice became angry

“Chloe, my my name is Chloe Faith I was sent by my boss to cover a story on a drug bust in town.” He started towards me now

“Why would you put your life in danger, a girl as interesting and beautiful as you?” he was a couple feet from me now and height wise he was much taller. I stood at a not so tall height of 5’3; my hair was medium choppy and dark black with blonde in random places. My figure was not slim I had curves in all the right places I mean I’m not the type of girl to eat and then throw up everything I ate just to keep a slim figure. But I didn’t have to bust my ass in the gym five times a week ether.

“I’m a photographer for the local news paper it’s my job” he smelt of cologne and dust

“You need to go, you shouldn’t be here and your bleeding take care of your lip” he turned around and walked towards the bodies on the floor. I turned to run out the door and heard a sigh of pain not relief. I swung my head around to see the cold eyed figure plunge into the guys neck with his long white teeth that punchier the skin.

‘He was a vampire’ and as if I wasn’t mortified enough I was absoultly terrified now. My brain told my feet and legs to get the hell out of there and that’s what I did.

The once dark damp warehouse transformed into what seemed like a mile long cave no matter how fast I ran it seemed I was going no where. I finally reached the door that I once entered before and pushed it open and was lead out into and alley way. I didn’t noticed how creepy everything was till now. I tucked my camera into my zip up hoodie and brought the hood over my head. The rain was dumping like buckets now. Towards the end of the alley I saw my car and felt relieved. I didn’t notice at first but there were half a dozen dark figures that were surrounding it now. They all seemed to sense I was there and every single head turned my direction.

My feet stopped in they’re tracks but the rest of my body didn’t get the memo which forced me to go flying forward landing face first on the pavement. I started to pull myself up and noticed the pack was now around me it seemed they just appeared out of no where and I knew I was not going to be getting out of this situation anytime soon.

“Hey guys…well what do we got going on here?” I looked up to see a tall tan skinned man standing above me along with the rest of them, his eyes were just as dark as the man in the warehouse.

“I dunno it looks to me like we got a nice warm drink on our hands” another voice said

“Please, please no leave me alone” I begged as I sat up my face was in pain from the sudden impacted from the pavement and my chest was on fire from where my camera dug into my rib cage.

As soon as I finished my words of plea I noticed another dark figure emerging from the shadows of the alley way.

‘God please not another one’ I thought as I watched the shadow approach closer and I wasn’t the only one who noticed the figure everyone’s glance shot that way as well.

“Leave her alone” the figure became clearer now to show it was the same guy I ran into with the 3 drug smugglers

“Ah it does appear that thee William Beckett has arrived” the tall tanned thin man said. By his appearance he seemed to be the leader

“Go to hell Gabe and back off the girl now” he barked

“Hell? Hell my Billy Beckett now that’s harsh considering our circumstances don’t ya think?” and with that the huddle around me broke up and backed away in laugher and that’s when I realized they’re sets of teeth on them as well.

“Seriously Gabe do we want to start this over again cause we all know what happened last time” William chuckled

“Fuck off Will!” Gabe hissed

“Oh touchy, touchy” William came along side me and helped me to my feet and I stood behind him hunched over still in pain

“Next time you wont be so lucky girl” Gabe pointed in my direction

He then vanished along with the rest of the gang, and William turned around to face me

“Are you alright?” I could tell now when his nose twitched and wiggled the way it did he could smell my blood and that scared me. Just because he saved me didn’t mean he didn’t want to harm me.

“Fine” I chocked out wiping my face with my hand

“You realize now, you have to stay with me…right?”

Stay with him what did he mean by that and for how long?
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So this is my first Vamp story...ive been reading a few of these types of stories here and there but was always to nervous to try my if this sucks and your reading it let me know and i'll take it down

COmments would be good THANKS