It's a Vampire thing

Chapter 11

* Chloe’s POV*

“Back away from her Gabe” I heard and my eyes shot open

“Will? You came how did you find me?” I pushed past Gabe and threw my self on his cold body.

The next thing I felt was a hard jerk and pain coming from my ankle. Gabe had ripped the chain around my ankle towards him and it snapped. Pain throbbing pain came from my ankle.

“You belong to me…not Will to me” my body collided to Gabe’s scrawny body frame and he placed his hand around my throat.

“Let her go Gabe now…you bastard you’ve broken her…her ankle. Her blood is” I could see William’s nose going crazy

“Will please…please help me…don’t let Gabe” I couldn’t even finish my sentence when I felt them a sharp pair of teeth. The bite was fast it felt like two sets of needles digging deep into flesh. It reminded me of a dentist appt I had once and how when drilling needed to be done to my teeth the dentist dug the needle into gums. The warmth of the drug numbing my gums but the pain…the excruciating pain of the needle deep into my mouth. That’s the best way to describe the feeling I was having right now. The next thing I knew my body felt limp and I was dizzy.

“No Gabe don’t” was the last thing I heard come from Williams mouth

But it was to late He had done it…I belonged to Gabe

My eyes shot open as I felt the coldness of Gabe’s lips wrapped around his teeth that were now tracing my neck. He was dragging his teeth across my flesh like nails on a chalk board.

“Back OFF” I said pushing Gabe who flew hard against the floor and slid into the wall. I sat up fast to look around for William…as I searched the dark room I grabbed my neck but didn’t feel any marks…who am I kidding Gabe healed me fast once before what makes me think he didn’t do the same thing this time.

“Where’s William WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH HIM?” I screamed and Gabe looked puzzled

“So that’s what you’re dreaming about… I thought I felt your heart pump your blood faster” Gabe floated upward biting his lip.

“What? It was…he wasn’t here?” I could feel my face grow flushed and tears began to form I was crying because I was happy Gabe hadn’t bit me but sad because William wasn’t here to save me.

“Awww poor baby…poor poor baby you thought your Billy was coming? He doesn’t care about you. Like I do at least” Gabe was suddenly in front of me and now touching my face…I felt paralyzed like I couldn’t move and my thoughts weren’t my own. How was I going to get out of here?

Then I remembered William could read minds…I thought of what I was about to do as being thee silliest thing ever and by the way Gabe was looking at me he thought the same thing.

“Don’t even try it girly…your to far away from him. He can’t pick up your thoughts” this time Gabe’s hands were wrapped around my neck again and I know I wasn’t dreaming.

“Then why does it matter if I try? Why would you care huh…what are you afraid of?” Gabe brought his face to mine and pressed his lips to my ear.

“Ohh my dear girl… I fear nothing. Go ahead test your luck. Call him here but if you do it could be your worst mistake. He doesn’t want you…ohh girl not like I do” Gabe suddenly vanished

‘William…please. Please hear this Gabe he has me. William I’m sorry I should of never ran away. Please hear this’ I repeated over and over in my mind.
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Hey i got another SUB cool cool cool beans...

so i would LOVE IT if you guys would leave me comments for this story maybe even a few idea!!!???!?!

its my first and probably only vamp story cause i'm struggling HARD CORE on this so PLEASE comments would be great and i'll give shout outs and dedications to my commenters i PROMISE!!

i dunno what the future holds for this story but i'll try to do my best to bring the drama...they're might even be a little romantic triangle battle!

xoxo Readers