It's a Vampire thing

Chapter 12

William’s POV

With in the past couple hours I’ve had these excruciating head aches. I felt like someone was calling my name. I felt anxious, nervous, scared. These feelings I haven’t felt since I was human. I don’t understand what’s happening to me how ever I do understand that I missed Chloe. I was sitting in a chair in the corner of my room when I saw Brendon walk by with his head down. That poor boy has been so depressed since Hannah said the things she said to him.

“Bren?” I shouted

“Yeah Billy what’s up?”

“Are you alright do you need to feed?”

“Naw I’m okay…I just” he paused

“I just miss her…I barely even know her but I would like to”

“Brendon you just gotta give her time. Remember when Travie turned Katy? It took her almost a year to get to know him” Brendon’s face didn’t change his expression only became sadder.

“I don’t want it to take that long Will” his eyes had that look as if he might cry and he turned to walk away.

“Brendon! I’ll have Katy try to talk to her…from what I know she’s been spending time with her and Travie…they took her out feeding the other night…Okay?”

“Sure Bill what ever you think will work as of right now I’ve lost all hope” and with that he walked away.

As soon as he was out of the room I ripping pain shot threw my head. It felt like a thousand needles stabbing into my brain.

“Ahhhh!” I screamed in pain as I fell to the floor holding my head. With in seconds Sisky and the Butcher were in my room pulling me to my feet.

“Will!! What’s wrong?” butcher grabbed my legs and Sisky my arms and they placed me on my bed.

“I don’t know…but the pain in my head comes and goes it was horrible just a few seconds ago and now it’s gone. I keep hearing my name”

“William you don’t think its Chloe trying to call for you do you?” the thought never crossed my mind until Sisky brought it up. Could she be trying to contact me no matter how bad the pain in my head hurt I longed for it now hoping little by little she would tell me where she was so I could save her.

“I never thought of that…oh god what if she’s in that much danger. We can’t just sit here we need to go out I need to see if my head aches get stronger” little did I know that only danger she was in was falling in love with the man who had her under his spell.
♠ ♠ ♠
update update uuuuupppdate!!

i'm startin to have fun writing this story and as i go along i get more and more ideas

Comments would be great

xoxo readers