It's a Vampire thing

Chapter 13

*Katy and Hannah’s Convo in Katy’s POV*

I could hear Hannah sobbing in her room. She and I and Travie were supposed to go hunting tonight. I felt bad for the girl I remember when I was in her position when I got turned I was scared and mad as hell. I couldn’t believe Trav did what he did to me. Sooner or later I realized what he did truly save my life.

“Hannah?” I knocked on the door

“Can I come in...?are you alright?”

“I’m okay just upset its just one of those days I guess” she said wiping her face as if there was anything to wipe.

“Hey before we go hunting can I talk to you for a minute?” remembering William had asked me to talk to her

“Yeah sure what’s up?” she sat up eagerly waiting for what I had to say next.

“Have I even told you the story about how I became the way I am?”

“Look Katy you and Travie have become great friends to me but if this is you trying to help me like Brendon…the person I belong to” She used air quotes around the word belong “ Then I don’t want to hear it… I know William told you to talk to me I can see it in your eyes. That just happens to be the one thing I got as a power. I can read what your eyes are saying”

“Look Hannah…I’m not just doing this cause Billiam wants me to. I’m doing it because sometimes I go threw the mood you’re experiencing right now. I feel alone and still hate parts of Travie for turning me that night so mainly I’m doing this to help my self it helps to talk about it. And you can read that feeling in my eyes” she stared at me and said nothing I knew she saw my eyes were sincere in was also nice to have another girl around while I waited for William to find the other girl destine to be with us.

“Okay go on then” she urged me to speak

“I know this is a cliché beginning but they have it for a reason so here I go I remember that night like it was yesterday. I was working at a convenience store out side of Chicago when two men came in right before closing time. They walked around for a bit then grabbed a few things and brought them to the counter I just had started to ring the items up and all of the sudden one of the men grabbed my hair and banged my head into the counter.” Hannah looked on with wide eyes

“They had planned on robbing me but me being nearly knocked out they decided they would take other advantages of me first. When the first man finished with me and the second was about to take his turn 3 guys charged in and I learned later that those three men were William, Brendon and the one and only Travie. I couldn’t see straight what was going on but I knew that these men were here to help me.” I started to shiver at the feeling I got when thinking about this.

“ I knew that I was losing a lot of blood which caused me to black out and the next thing I knew I awoke to Travie hovering over me and William saying he needed to make a choice or I would die…and that he could hear my heart beat slowing down. I blacked out again and woke up to pain and lots of it.”

“Travie turned you?”

“Yes he did and although it took me almost a year to forgive him I did…and it was the best thing I could have ever done. He saved me in more ways than one.” I could tell she was reading my eyes again and saw she knew I wasn’t lying.

“Look Han I’m not telling you to make nice with Brendon but what he did, he thought was the best for you. And I think if you take a chance to read his eyes…you’ll see that I’m telling you the truth”

We sat there in silence for a bit and then Travie swooped in…

“You ready to go hunting ladies”

“You two go ahead with out me…I think I need to talk to Brendon.” Trav’s face look surprised and I gave Hannah a hug good bye. I looked into her eyes and she nodded.

“Your probably right” she smiled and walked out

“Your right about what?” Trav said as he wrapped his arms around me

“Oh nothing” I hugged him…I knew her talking to Brendon would make things easier for her in the long run…it did for me.
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Another update!

i actually love this story now so please comment and let me know what you think.