It's a Vampire thing

Chapter 15

*Hannah’s POV*

I still couldn’t believe Katy was turned the way she was. She did make sense when it came to me talking to Brendon. I could be mad at him all I wanted but that would help nothing. I needed to know why he did this to me, why not let me die. Obviously that was in the cards for me…why make me live longer and forever. I knew when Brendon wanted to be left alone he spent a lot of time in his room listening to music and looking out the window. As I approached his door I could hear the typical music but it wasn’t coming for a radio it was coming from a guitar. I stood there listening for a bit and then knocked lightly on the door.

“You know when I’m in my room I like to be left alone” he huffed from the other side

“I guess I’ll come back when your in a better mood” I exclaimed, not two seconds before I turned around I heard the door open.

“Hannah…ugh I didn’t expect you to ugh…I guess be talking to me. Forgive me for the attitude of course come in” he smiled

“So umm you play guitar” I asked as I stepped threw the door and sat on a sofa next to the only window in the room.

“Yeah…I just goof off every once in a while. Nothing big” he sat in the chair across from me

He was nervous I could tell I guess I was nervous to, I mean this man across from me changed my life forever and I was about to confront him about it. I wasn’t looking for arguments I just needed to know why.

“So is there something I can do for you…anything you need anything I can get you. I must say I’m surprised and un prepared for your visit” his knee started bouncing in a sign of nervousness.

“I guess I’ve come to find out why” I asked as I shifted my weight

“Oh...i knew this time would come. I must say I wasn’t nor never will be fully prepared to answer this question but I’ll try” his knee began to shake more rapidly now.

“Bren…it’s alright I’m not as mad anymore and I’m not here for an argument” I looked at his knee and he caught on and slowed his pace a little.

“Why did you do Brendon? Why not let me die…obviously that’s what was in gods plan right why not let the plan play out?” I was chewing on the inside of my mouth which is something I do normally do now it’s a bit difficult with fangs.

“I guess and this is probably not the best response so again forgive me. But I guess I panicked and was only thinking about making your pain go away. There was so much hurt in your eyes and blood and fear I just wanted to help you and I didn’t know how” his lip started to quiver

“If I would have known you’d wanted to die that night believe me I would of let you and you could have held my hand until your last breath. Hannah I didn’t do this to punish you and I didn’t do this because I wanted you to be mine forever. You’re the first and last person I’ve turned I don’t like that feeling…I don’t like the power of it. It’s not my place to play god…but I didn’t do it in anyway to hurt you. I wasn’t thinking and if I could take that night back and do it over I’d do it different for you” His eyes met mine and at this point if my heart was able to beat it would be beating out of my chest. “I want nothing more than to make you happy and if you never forgive me I’ll live with that. I’m sorry Hannah I really am”

We sat in silence for a few mins. I didn’t know what to say his words were so honest no indication of him lying. And since I’ve had this change in my life I can sense liers.

“Brendon…I don’t blame you anymore. Thank you for your words I could tell that your mean them. It’ll take me time to fully come to terms with my situation, but I want to be your friend I don’t wanna hide from you any longer and I don’t want to see you in pain any longer. We’ll be friends and go from there okay” I stood up and walked towards Brendon he stood quickly to show me to the exit as a polite gentleman he was. But before I left the room I turned quickly and wrapped my arms around him tightly. Our bodies felt different then they had that night…now that I was as cold as him it wasn’t so awkward feeling.
“Friends?” I said as I stood back

“Friends” Brendon said with a smile.
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Sorry guys its taken me way too long to update...but i'm going to start writing more because i need to get away from it all and writing helps...

another thing that help is your thoughts so comments are welcomed!!

Thanks to the SUBS i lost 2 then gained 2 that makes writing worth while for me

xoxo readers