It's a Vampire thing

Chapter 16

* Chloe’s POV*

I’ve been here for 2 weeks to the day. I know this because I’ve casually scratched tally marks on the side of the night stand next to me. I sat there and counted…1,2,3…4,5,6…7,8,9…,10,11,12…13,14. I sat there and counted over and over running my cold pale hand over the marks. 2 weeks 14 days I’ve been trapped in this room. This freezing, stuffy, dim lighted room. Where was William? Has he given up on me I can’t feel him hearing my thoughts any longer. Not like I did before it was faint but for some reason ever since I met him I could feel him listening to me. The first 4 days I could feel him he could hear me. Now its nothing no sense no gut feeling nothing.

“From what I know he’s given up on looking for you” I heard a voice say as it entered the room. I looked up to see Vicky enter and glide towards the end of the bed. She had one of my daily 3 a day meals. Gabe usually brought me morning and night and who ever he could find to bring it during the afternoon for some reason would bring me lunch.

“What would you know…and why on earth would you care to tell me anything. What bored with the regular torcher such as leaving my meal out of reach or boring me to death with your babbles?” I barked

Vicky laughed as she set the food next to me on the night stand.

“ Aww human I could really give a shit about you. And yes call it touchier if you must, William looked for you every night. But your simple minded little brain just couldn’t get him here” she laughed again this time a little harder.

“Looked?” my heart sunk

“Yes looked…he’s soon given up on you” she didn’t give me a chance to reply before she was out the door.

I sat baffled. He gave up? I guess all the feelings I felt and all the things I thought were completely off. Maybe I was better off here with Gabe. He hasn’t harmed me and I haven’t felt him wanting to. The only people if that’s what you call them that I’ve felt threatened by are Gabe’s minions. But every time they got near enough to do anything Gabe was there scolding them. So far I haven’t seen the harm in the Hazed.

*Gabe’s POV*

“Did you tell her?” Gabe grabbed Vicky’s arm and yanked her into the living room where he waited.

“Yeah…but she’ll figure it out” Vicky said pressing her thumb against her fang

“What did you say Vicky…what I told you shouldn’t give her any suspicion at all?”

“I told her what you said Gabe…that he looked for her but has given up. But you of all people should be able to notice”

“Notice what?”

“Notice that she’s not a normal human…you can’t smell it? She can sense him Gabe. She can feel him listening to her”

“Oh I know that…but if we keep telling her he’s stopped like we said she’ll soon lose all hope. And guess who will be there to pick up the pieces and soon she’ll want me to turn her because she’ll want to be mine forever!” Gabe smiled and evil grin

“You’re delusional” Vicky snickered

“Listen here bitch it will happen…and you will keep doing what I say”
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another update...i got 3 more SUBS!!! thats exciting and seeing comments and subs is making me feel better...THANK YOU SO MUCH everyone
