It's a Vampire thing

Chapter 19

*Chloe’s POV*

I heard yelling followed by doors slamming. I could recognize Vicky’s voice over anyone and could tell her and Gabe we fighting. That’s about all they do. With in seconds there was a knock at the door.

“Yeah?” I asked

“It’s Gabe…can I come in”

“It’s not like I have to open the door Gabe” I laughed as he glided threw it

“It’s always polite to ask” he said

“What was all the yelling about” I asked

“Oh the umm guys and I decided maybe we should let ya go and you know Vicky she’s umm well Vicky” he giggled under his breath has he swiftly slid over next to were I was sitting.

“Your gonna umm let me go?” I was shocked just when I thought I knew Gabe he hits another outta left field.

“Well yeah…I’ve realized I shouldn’t have taken you away from” he paused

“What Gabe?” I grabbed his cold hand and gripped it

He looked down at my hand on his and pulled away fast.

“I shouldn’t have taken you away from William…you do belong to him you know” I was confused by his words

“Belong to him?”

“Yeah I mean he saved you…so you’re his”

“I’m no ones Gabe…William has given up on me he can think what he wants to”

“Well ether way I’m letting you go” he said as he undid the chains that held me in this room for so long. The weight of them being lifted was a relief on my body.

“I’m sorry for holding you here Chloe” Gabe said as he turned to walk away

“Wait!” I stood up grabbing his arm

“What if…what if I don’t wanna leave” Gabe’s face became blank
“What do you mean not leave…your free Chloe go. Go be with Will”

“ Gabe…we started off bad but these past 2 weeks you’ve become nothing but nice to me. I don’t want to go” I said sitting on the bed

“Fine have it your way. But I want you to know from here on out you’re not forced to stay here. It’s on your own free will”

“Do you not like me?” I asked as Gabe began to walk out again. The words made him freeze in his tracks.


“Do you not like me anymore? Is that why your letting me go?” I questioned

“Chloe the way I feel about you has nothing to do with me letting you go”

“Then why? Is it something I did?” I wanted to know why all of the sudden he was setting me free.

“I want to be honest with you…William hasn’t stopped looking for you he was here today. I told him you weren’t here. For what I thought was your protection because him and his pack looked like they could kill. He’s out for you Chloe and I don’t want the Hazed to be mixed up in it. You belong to him so go…go be with him” this information made me feel. Well I didn’t know what I felt.

“He was here? And he just left…he left me behind, he knows I’m here and he just walked away like that?” I was baffled I was feeling one thing for William but another for Gabe.

“I don’t belong to anyone Gabe” I felt like I was repeating myself

“Well to be honest that’s not what Will thinks” Gabe said

“Gabe come here” I patted the spot next to me and he did as told. If William was going to leave me behind then he wasn’t what I thought at all.

“You’re not forcing me to stay. I want to…I want to be here with you” I kissed Gabe cold cheek it felt like I pressed and ice cube against my lips.

“Well Chloe’s its been a LONG day. If you want to stay I’d be more than happy to give up my room for you to stay in. There is plenty of rooms here I can fix up one for myself.” He smiled and I melted

“Gabe…can we share this one”

“That’s kind of dangerous don’t you think?”
“I’m not afraid of you Gabe. You won’t hurt me” I grabbed his arms and wrapped them around me. He shifted his body so we we’re laying on the bed snuggled side by side.

“I trust you” I whispered in the air and felt his breath release out from his chest and he relaxed. William gave up me…I’m giving up on him.
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So i think i got like 1 or 2 comments last chapter...which i've noticed i have alot of silent readers which is a bummer but i guess i dont mind it at least i have readers...

So i'm actually one chapter a head on this story in my Word program on my comp which means if i see a good turn out of comments or subs i could be up dating very soon!! I'm off work until Tuesday so i have plenty of time to write more. And the situation i'm in with it right now i'm starting to like.

This story was really suppose to be a love story between Chloe and William but now that i have put Gabe in the mix who knows what will happen. I dont even know!!

Let me know what you think...should Chloe end up with Gabe and be the leader chick for the Hazed or will our Doe eye'd William fight to get her back??

I'd love to hear idea's and thought! You guys rock
