It's a Vampire thing

Chapter 2

William’s POV

She looked at me as if I was crazy and maybe in a way I was. Saving a mortal would have been against my beliefs in the past and maybe even now in some cases, but there was something different about this one. Her eyes were a crystal blue and I could tell she was confused with what I just told her.

“Stay with you? I can’t do that I have a life...what you saved me so now that makes you the owner of me or something?” her tone of voice became unpleasant

“Look it’s not my fault you got your self into this position in the first place. Your life now is going to be anything but normal.” She was starting to piss me off now I didn’t need the attitude I was receiving

“ Screw you I’m not staying any where near you or any of your kind” her additude was becoming unbearable and I was getting pissed off, un grateful mortal I save her life and this is the thanks I get

“Look, if you don’t want to listen to me that’s fine…but I will warn you if they catch you and you’re alone and they will find you. They will kill you or Gabe will turn you, in which he will expect you to stay with him and he’s not a nice guy.”

“Why…why is this happening to me?” as fast as I turned angry I became sympathetic again

“Look doll you just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and if you don’t stick with me they’ll sniff you out and your life will end up a lot worse than what it will be with me.” Her eyes began to tear up

“ Fine…fine I’ll stay with you but I need to go by my place sometime in the future I can’t stay in what I’m in its covered with blood and I’m thinking I don’t want that exposed around you” tears started to run slowly down her face

“ okay then its settled, tomorrow you can go out during the day and get your stuff as for tonight you can make due in what your wearing and I have an extra room for you at the warehouse” we started walking towards her car

“Warehouse another one?” she gave me her keys and we got in

“Yes another one, I live in one on the out skirts of Chicago with a few other people” we were now driving through the dark streets

“More Vampires?” she didn’t seem to thrilled

“Yes, more vampires and until we can get rid of all the Hazed you’ll remain living there and you’ll quit your job…everything you’ll need food wise will be supplied. Its kind of like your going into a witness protection program no one must know where you are going and we will be your only company for a while.” I don’t think she fully understood how serious it was

“Why are you doing this…helping me, don’t vampires kill humans and who is the Hazed?”

“I guess since we have a long car ride home I can explain…the Hazed is a vampire group and it just so happens that you’ve got the pleasure of meeting not even half of them this evening. This other guys I live with we used to be apart of that group until they started killing for pleasure and innocent people. The people you saw me drink tonight were bad people and that’s what the other guys and I go for so we’ve become enemies of the Hazed which we’re okay with” we got closer to the warehouse now and after I explained it all to her she just sat quietly starring out the window

Chloe’s POV

I couldn’t believe this was happening. Like the witness protection program my ass I was about the live in a warehouse full of vampires. And if that wasn’t bad enough I couldn’t tell anyone were I was going…not like I had anyone to tell anyways and I’ll end up calling work tomorrow and quitting over the phone so it didn’t really matter I guess. We pulled up in front of this old brick building. William honked the horn a few times and I saw a face appear in one of the windows above the big steel door that was now opening to expose a parking garage. The place look abandoned on the out side but the inside it was taken care of pretty well. There were a few other cars and a couple motorcycles parked in random areas of the building and finally William pulled into a spot and shut off the car. He stretched and handed the keys to me and proceeded to climb out and shut the door. I on the other hand just sat there for a few seconds…there was no way I could get out with my car cause of the big steel door blocking all access to the out side. I quickly locked both the doors and shifted into the middle of my front seat so I was no where near the doors. All of the sudden I felt someone behind me.

“What are you doing?” William appeared in the back seat which made me jump so hard I slammed into the front dash board of my car

“What the hell? How’d you get in here?” my heart was racing

“Vampire remember…I can vanish and reappear where ever and when ever I please” he grinned

“I can’t do this…you don’t understand this is my life. And how do I know you and your vamp buddies won’t try to suck me dry in a weak moment of life?” I was crying now

“Ya know I try to be a nice guy…I don’t give a fuck what you do but you will stay here” William jaw was tense and angry his teeth were starting to poke out of his mouth

“And trust me I know when you’ll try to leave cause I can sense you…I can smell your blood” Williams hand started towards my face and I was to afraid to move so I just sat still. He placed his hand upon my cheek and touched me gently. His hand was as cold as ice but what was to be expected he was a vampire

“ You know something has drawn me towards you and I cant shake the feeling that your special in a way all I’m trying to do is keep you safe…please I know its hard to deal with but I’m trying to help you…don’t fight it” and with that he vanished again and I just sat in my car. I didn’t want to move this was the only thing normal to me my car was the only sort of thing I had from my old life as I started into my new one. I just sat there and cried I wasn’t planning on moving at all at least not for a few days. At this point if I died nothing could be worse than the situation I was in now.
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sorry i'm so pre occupied lol i'm reading the last of the Twilight book Series...AMAZING team EDWARD all the way baby

so i'm going to start trying to up date more but i also have a new job ha ha ha

thank you to the 3 SUBS thats awesome and to the ONE COMMENT....thank you i love you keep em coming