It's a Vampire thing

Chapter 20

The next morning which was actually night because since I’ve been spending so much time around vampires my sleeping has changed. I didn’t mind it I enjoyed the night something about it was so calming. I love when it’s like around 1:30am and there is NO ONE out. The streets are completely quite and it’s so peaceful. I mentioned that to Gabe and he just laughed. I sat up and stretched and noticed that Gabe was gone…more than likely hunting. There was a book sitting on the pillow next to me with the inscription “Viva la Vida Como te has sonado“. I stared at it puzzled and decided to open in up and take a look. Gabe had written in the inside cover.


I’ve left this here for you…it’s a journal. I know your probably wondering
What the outside means, well it means “Live the life you’ve dreamed”. I know you have bigger hopes and aspirations than being trapped here with me. Until you ever decide to break out for now at least write your feelings down which maybe can help you in the future. I’ve kept journals all my life…and that’s a long time. I thought you could use this. Your mind is so amazing I know how it works

Remember I can read it  .

I hope you enjoy this,

Yours truly, Gabe

I thought it was sweet he left this here for me. It also made me curious to know what his journals said. Gosh he could probably publish his journals as anonymous and people would be fascinated. I guess I could try this out…

Dear ugh…Journal? Or I’ll call you Ned,

I guess it’s a little weird for me to actually write in here. I normally am not comfortable writing my feelings down. So I honestly don’t know how much I’ll actually write to you Ned.

Up until 2 weeks my life was normal. Had a job at the paper, and great place to stay and then it all went down hill. Me and my big nose have to get into places I know I shouldn’t have been. But I was inspired to find a great story and make a name for myself like my boss said I should. I felt it; I wanted it and now all the work I went through to get it is all destroyed. The name I started to make for myself in completely vanished, for all I know Ned the people who knew me probably think I’m dead.

It didn’t matter ether way, I haven’t seen any police alerts saying I was missing. So maybe my name meant nothing to begin with? Maybe this life of hiding in the shadows is where I belong.

I like it here. With Gabe and the Hazed. Yes Ned, thoughts of William have slipped in my head from time to time. Even more so when Gabe had said he came for me yesterday. He was the only one searching for me and he’s stopped. He didn’t even fight Gabe for me. HUH and he said we had some sort of “connection” that’s a load of bullshit if I’ve ever heard it. It’s weird to think though if I want to leave I can…I am free right?

When Gabe said those words to me I was in a bit of shock! He was letting me go and I chose to stay. What does that exactly say about me?

Jeeze Ned I guess I could of used you along time ago. It feels good to write out feelings now I see why Gabe does it. Well since I am “free” to roam I guess I will…I could use a coffee and I know there is a 24 hr StarBucks some where around here I’m sure I’ll write again!

Take care Ned


I left off with my little signature and set the book in my back pack. My stomach was growling at this point. I remember seeing a StarBucks down the street from this place when I was brought here. I got up and slipped on a pair of black skinny jeans, a black tank top and my black and red striped shirt. Laced up my chucks and grabbed a jacket I’m sure it wasn’t to warm out. On my way out the door I saw the necklace Gabe had given me sitting on the old fashioned vanity and put it around my neck. I glanced at my reflection in the mirror my hair has grown out a little and the necklace was kinda huge on my scrawny pale neck. But I liked it….Off to StarBucks!
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since i want more SUBS and comments when ever i get them i thought i'd up date. Also i've been slacking alot on this story but i know now where i'm going with it so



