It's a Vampire thing

Chapter 21

*Hannah’s POV*

Brendon and I have actually been spending a lot of time with one another and it was kinda nice. Not only had I hunted with Katy but Bren and I went a few times. I was getting the hang of this fangs and night time thing.

I had noticed lately that William was moping around here. All I knew was there was a girl that left the same day I got here. And now they believe she’s gotten herself wrapped up with the Hazed. I didn’t know too much about them only that Travie used to be one way back when. But William oh man he was not looking good these days. He kinda just stumbled around and every once in a while would say something about waiting for Gabe to slip up so he could get her.

“Hey” I heard behind me as I sat out on the balcony looking at the stars

“Hey Bren!” I knew it was his voice and I could smell him coming. Something I realized got a lot better when I was turned. My sense of smell was crazy almost like a blood hound. I guess every vamp has to have some sort of “power” if you want to call it that. William from what I know can sense things, Brendon he’s super fast…I mean we’re all fast but Bren can beat us all. As for Gabe the Hazed leader he has a few more powers then the rest of us… he can glaze someone which I found out glazing is a hard thing to do but he can put them under his spell in a way. He also can read minds and the other most powerful thing he can do is as he’s reading your mind he can hurt you. I’ve never had it done to me because I have yet to meet him. But Travie has told me it’s like getting a drill pushed through your eye socket while being fully awake.

“What you thinking about darling?” Brendon said as he hugged me from behind.

“Oh I was just thinking how much I like your pet names you have for me” I giggled as Bren leaned up against the railing in front of me.

“Ohh really! You looked worried when I walked out here” he grinned as he slipped his thick framed glasses up on his nose. Bren was the only vampire I knew that had glasses he wore when he read. He always says it’s a human habit.

“Yeah I was kind of thinking about William. He’s been extremely down lately, do you think we’ll ever find Chloe?” I asked

“We have found her, Williams just waiting for Gabe to slip up so we can move in on them and get her back”

“Wait William knows where she is? Why doesn’t he just attack the Hazed we can all help. Especially Travie he’s been one of them he knows things we don’t” I was confused as why we weren’t doing anything.

“See that’s just it Gabe and his crew they’re not like us. They have darker powers they can tape into. Its safer for us to wait it out Gabe usually screws up and does something wrong that’s why he envies Will so much, Will actually uses his brain” Bren laughed at what he said.

“I just don’t think it’s healthy for Bill that’s all, Maybe I should go like under cover and get her for him”
“No!!” Brendon yelled I just looked at him puzzled

“I mean Hannah I really don’t think we should get in the middle of it and when I mean we I mean you. I’m not saying your not strong honey I just don’t want to lose you” he smiled shyly.

I knew Brendon had a point I was getting stronger but I wasn’t that strong. Brendon was really starting to grow on me. I liked how protective he was.

Before Brendon could say anything else I quickly stood up and yanked him towards me. Our lips crashed together hard and took him by surprise, He kept kissing me none the less and had a hard grip around my waist. I think this is thee most passionate kiss I’ve ever had. Soon enough we pulled away from one another…

“Does this mean we’re more than friends?” I grinned
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PLease comment...i'd love to see more comments cause i feel like i writing this story for myself!! SADDNESS
