It's a Vampire thing

Chapter 22

*Chloe’s POV*

Being outside for the first time in two weeks after locked up in that stuffy room was like stepping into a perfectly warm shower after a long hot work out…refreshing. The air was crisp outside kind of cold and nipped at the end of my nose a little. The sky was dark and clear if the city wasn’t so full of light you could probably see every star in the sky. It felt much different walking at night verses staring out the window like I had been doing for 2 weeks. As I walked with my hand in my pockets my eyes searched for that big bright green and white sign. That big StarBucks I was looking for. My mouth craved an iced white chocolate mocha so much so I could almost taste it. As soon as I finished that thought I saw that big beautiful sign I was searching for. And yes it was open man you gotta love those 24 hours ones.

I slipped through the doors and noticed a few other night owls sitting sporadically through out the place. I shuffled my way up to the dude working behind the counter ordered my drink and a bagel and crème cheese and found a spot next to the fire. As I sipped on my coffee and bit into my bagel I felt as if someone was watching me. I hate that feeling just thinking of the feeling sent shivers down my spine.

“Chloe?” I turned to see Hannah standing there holding a tall coffee

“Hannah?” I had only really seen her that night she was turned but I couldn’t forget her face even more so now that she was more beautiful than that night.

“Umm hey” she said as she slid in the chair across from me

“Ummm you have a coffee?” I looked puzzled as I stared at her hand.

“Yeah it’s kinda a human habit I have of mine. Like Brendon and his reading glasses like he would need em now but he still wears them. I don’t even drink but I come here and get one and sit here reading and what not when I want time away from the group”

“So I see you’ve adapted well to your ugh” I cleared my throat. “New life style” I took another sip of my drink.

“Yeah! Brendon and I are actually getting close with one another…” she hesitated before she spoke her next words.

“So where have you been? William and everyone thought that the Hazed had gotten you” I was going to be honest after what Gabe and I talked about I felt no need to hide.

“They did…I mean, I was held hostage until like yesterday” Hannah looked at me confused.

“Gabe said he had a run in with William and the guys and decided it would be best to let me go…or set me free I guess you say. And well I decided I wanted to stay”


“Because Gabe had been treating me well. And well he’s treated me like a queen. Its weird I kind of feel something for him. Unlike William who was a complete jerk to me”

“I don’t think you’d feel that way if you see how he is now” she mumbled under her breath

“What do you mean?”

“He’s moping around barely talks to any of us and as gotten a super short fuse”

“Really? Well he made the choice of letting me go that day. He knew what he was doing and even if he wants to try and say it couldn’t follow because of the sun he could of stopped me before I stepped out that door” I took the last bite of my bagel

“True…I can’t argue with you on that.” Hannah bit the side of her cheek as if she was going to say something but decided not to. Just as she went to speak Gabe walked through the doors.

“Hey Chlo” he grinned until he saw who I was sitting with.

“Gabe! Ugh hi” I stood up and hugged him, as he stared at Hannah his grip tightened then relaxed as I kissed his cheek.

“This is my friend Hannah” I said as Hannah stood up and glared at Gabe

“I’m gonna get going Chloe…it was nice to see you” she smirked at me and focused her glare back at Gabe pushed past us and walked out the door.

“I’m sure she’s going to go report back to William” Gabe said with an irritated tone.

“So what if she does, it doesn’t matter to me none. William isn’t even a thought in my mind at this point, and if he was and I wanted to be with him I would’ve left the min you gave me permission but I didn’t” I grabbed Gabe’s ice cold hand as stared into his dark eyes.

“I didn’t Gabe, I stuck around and you know why?” Gabe looked down at me his face full of anger but as he looked into my eyes his expressions softened

“Why?” he asked

“Because I wanted to be with you “ I stood up on tippy toe and pressed my warm blood flown pulsating lips against Gabe’s rock hard ice cold lifeless ones and kissed him.

“Now before you escort me back to the warehouse I need to use the ladies room” I winked as he smiled

I entered the bathroom knowing well aware I was out of range for Gabe to hear my thoughts. The truth was I was thinking about what Hannah had said about William. He was sad and mopping around? And I wondered what she was going to say to him when she returned back to the group. I looked in the mirror and fixed my face again seeing the beautiful necklace Gabe had given me I ran my fingers over it and smiled.

I was making the right choice for my own good wasn’t I?
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so this last chapter was a bit of a filler and the next (even tho i havent written it yet) will probably be a filler too.... But i do promise this story will get better

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