It's a Vampire thing

Chapter 23

*Hannah’s POV*

I needed to get back to William and tell him I ran into Chloe. He needed to know that Gabe wasn’t going to slip up so if that’s what he’s waiting for he shouldn’t hold his breath…well like he even had to do that anyways. I couldn’t believe Chloe was with Gabe. She seems so different then what Brendon had told me, she didn’t seem like she had any bond or attraction to William what so ever. It was strictly Gabe in her eyes and she didn’t seem glazed.

I walked quick back to our warehouse Brendon must of saw me coming because he greeted me at the door.

“Hello babe, how was your walk?” he smiled and I saw Ryan wave as he sat playing his guitar on the couch.

“Fine” I kissed him “Where’s William?” he looked at me confused

“Umm I think he’s in his room…way are you asking?”

“I saw her” I set my coffee that I wasn’t going to drink down on the counter and placed my jacket on the back of the chair.


“Chloe!! I saw her at the coffee place” Brendon grabbed my arm lightly a spun me around to face him

“What happened? She’s not with the hazed...I’m confused”

“ No. well I mean yes but not held captive or at least anymore she was, but now I mean she’s not…I” Brendon laughed a little

“What?” I asked

“You’re cute when you get all twisted in your words. Why don’t you just start from the beginning?”

“Okay…I ran into Chloe she told me that she was held captive and now isn’t and she seems to be into Gabe. Like really into him kissing and everything. I need to tell William because if he’s still waiting for Gabe to slip up he better forget it” Brendon looked at me wide eyed.

“Hey Hannah, tell William easily you never know what he could do” Brendon squeezed my hand and I kissed him once again.

Soon after I was standing out side of Williams’s room. I lightly knocked


“Bill can I ugh…talk to you a sec” my throat felt dry

“Sure Han come on in” I opened the door and stepped through

“You know you can appear instead of opening the door right?” Will looked at me in amusement

“ I know I haven’t really mastered that yet and opening doors still makes me feel a bit normal” I chuckled under my breath

“What do you need Hannah?”

“I ugh saw her” Bill knew exactly who I was talking about. Un like Bren who asked me.

“Where?” William became tense

“Umm StarBucks…she was there alone until Gabe showed up” His eyes when fm his normal brown to dark black.

“Gabe? He has her hostage did she seemed scared…I knew he’d slip up”

“Actually…she told me Gabe let her go a few days ago, but she stuck around”

*William POV*

Those words ripped through my cold flesh like a chainsaw carving into ice making some sort of ice sculpture and if I had a heart that worked it would be broken.

“She wanted to stay?” I was confused

“She actually seemed to like Gabe, when he showed up she kissed him and I don’t know it didn’t seem like he had glazed her…it was weird” she rubbed her hand over he throat and I could tell she was uncomfortable

“I don’t say this to hurt you William…I just didn’t want you to wait around until Gabe slipped up because sincerely she seemed into him”

“Thanks for telling me Hannah…you can go now, I need time to think”

“Do you need anything?”

“No I’m fine thank you”

She left the room and I sat there puzzled. I felt as if my whole wide world had fallen down and I have a long time in the world to deal with this. Something needed to change I wasn’t going to lose her to Gabe. In some sick sadistic way he had a hold of her heart, her warm blooded pulsating heart. And I couldn’t have that…
♠ ♠ ♠

Who's going to Warped this yr?
Who's going to be buying the new ATL album Nothing Personal on JULY 7th MY BIRTHDAY!!!

so excited...let me know what you think