It's a Vampire thing

chapter 26

“Wi Will?” I stuttered at the sight of him, it felt like it had been years since I’ve seen him. His skin was still pale white and I could see the late night dew glisten off his skin.

“Hey Chloe” he whispered not is so much of a whisper to be quite it was more of just the way his voice was…soft like.

“Will where, how, why…are you here?” I asked but as soon as I finished my sentence William had drifted up to where I was and now was standing in front of me. His tall lanky frame was covered in black jeans a deep navy blue v neck shirt with a grey jacket on top. If he wasn’t a vampire he’s be freezing right now. It’s not like it was 100 degrees out.

“Hannah said you were here, I thought you were but I wasn’t sure. She told me about Gabe and well you. I didn’t believe her at first so I had to come see for myself” he swallowed hard

“And she wasn’t lying” he bit his lip. The same lips I have dreamt about kissing night after night until the night I thought he forgot about me.

“I see Gabe’s left his mark” He was referring to my necklace

“2 weeks” that’s all I said and he looked confused


“2 weeks Will…2 fuckin weeks I waited for you to find me. I thought so hard my brain was going to combust from the thoughts of you” I was a little angry he would show up now.

“What you’re here now, for your own comfort. Because of something Hannah said to you, you show up now to save me” I placed my arms back down and relaxed my fingers after making air quotes around my words saved. The blanket had fallen down and I didn’t even notice.

He stood there silent no words escaped his lips. He was here actually here in front of me, he looked no different from the time I saw him last.

“Chloe…I, I don’t know what to say to you to make things better”

“There’s nothing you can say Bill” tears formed in my eyes and he saw this and soon had a huge frown on his face. All the feelings I had for him came rushing back. But I still had all my feelings if not more for Gabe.

“I missed you William” I practically jump out of my skin when I went to wrap my arm around him. I squeezed him tightly and he reciprocated the gesture. His long lean arms wrapped them selves around me in a tight bear hug like fashion.

“I’m sorry Chloe…so, so sorry I wasn’t here sooner” he whispered into my ear then kissed me on the forehead

“It’s okay, you’re here now” I brought my head up to look at him

“And you know that I’m safe, and happy” his facial expression changed with this comment

“But William you have to go. If Gabe see’s you I don’t know what he’ll do. His attitude has changed lately to not caring about anything”

“Its bullshit you know that right…he totally has you glazed.”

“No he doesn’t William!” I pushed him away from me

“Are you blind Chloe, he’s using you to get back at me”

“Go to hell William Gabe’s feelings are real and he doesn’t have me glazed I’m thinking clearly my feelings are real for him”

“Look I don’t mean to piss you off, but I’ve known Gabe for a loooooong time” William was soon down below me on the street

I didn’t say a word. I grabbed the blanket and wrapped back around me. A light breeze had picked up now and I looked down to see William’s hair blow over his face.

“I want to see you again, I will come back to see you”

He turned to walk away

“And Chloe I NEVER forgot about you, if this is truly what’s making you happy then I’ll have to deal with it for now” and soon after he was gone. And I was left alone again but now I wasn’t just star gazing I was thinking. And boy was I more confused than ever now…
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i can't believe how many subs i have i just wish i had more comments lol
and 8 stars WOW!!! Thank you everyone

xoxo readers!