It's a Vampire thing

Chapter 29

*Chloe’s POV*

The day came and went and I thought to myself as I sat in bed that I should really try staying up until day light. I was getting overly pasty and a little sun wouldn’t kill me.

“Pasty looks good on you, but in my mind you could be green and I’d still be into you” Gabe said as he approached with caution and I’m assuming it’s from the convocation we had last night.

“Gah!! Sorry I forgot the whole listening in and repeating out loud thing…sorry” he scolded himself

I still sat in silence as he sat down on the end of the bed across from me.

“Would you?” I spoke out of no where

“Would I what?” Gabe asked

“Come on Gabe as if you haven’t heard me think it” I said calmly

“I’m trying to be polite like you want and not reply to you out loud unless you want me to. So I’d like it if you’d ask me the question even though its completely ridiculous and you should already know my answer” Gabe crossed him arms in front of him as if he was irritated

“Would you go back with her if you weren’t being completely satisfied in what we have? Cause honestly lets face it…I’m human I don’t have any intention of being turned anytime soon and you wont be getting sex for how ever long”

“No way in hell Chloe you should know that”

“Bullshit Gabe I totally can’t see you sexless for 2 days let alone a year or 5” I snapped

“Are you kidding me right now? I mean really am I on some form of Vampire Punk’d here. Have you seen me motion in any way that I wanted sex from you?”
“No but…”

“exactly and I’m sure if I were William and he’d admitted openly to something he did in his past that he regretted you’d look him in those drrreeeeaaammy eyes of his and forgive him right on the spot. Just like you did the last night putty in his hands you were” I was shocked

“Look I’m not keeping you here Chloe go, go and be with your William I know that’s where you wanna be. Isn’t it? Isn’t this the reason you’re picking such a stupid fight with me over Vicky because you want to find some secret way out” Gabe was standing now at the end of the bed

“Is that what you think Gabe that I want to be with him over you? Do YOU think I’d be here feeling jealous over what you and Vicky had. Because she can do things with you I don’t think is even humanly possible for us?” I was in his face now and if it had been the first time we met I’d be afraid of his dark eyes that were filled with such anger.

“You’re right you’re not holding me here captive and I’ve given no indication that I want to leave you.”

“So are you going to continue to sit out on the balcony and wait for me, when actually you’re waiting for your beloved William to show up and sweep you off your feet?”

“Gabe, you know damn well that I sit out there for you. Night after night I freeze my ASS off sitting out there waiting for you to come back I wait so I can be the first thing you see when you get done killing innocent people. How sick is that? But yes if William arrives again night after night then he can do so in his own free will and I’ll be polite because that’s how I am. But if you think your getting rid of me that fast you’ve got another thing coming. I don’t know what kind of hold you have over me but I can’t even think about leaving here” our faces were now inches away from one another granted I was on tippy toe but he needed to know how I felt.

“Really?” he asked as he started to back me towards the wall

“Yes! I’m not going any where so as long as Vicky is in this house and makes wise ass cracks the way she does you’ll just have to get used to my humanly jealousy that I have to deal with” he continued to back me towards the wall

“Really?” he asked again

“Yes!!” I said as I bumped into the wall and was now pinned in between him and it.

“Chloe’s has anyone ever told you…you talk too much” Gabe said and before I could reply his lips slammed against mine. Passion shot through our bodies as his hands ran them selves up and down my sides. Soon after he lifted me up so I could wrap my legs around his body. Our kissed became deeper and more fierce for one another and he would pull away every once in a while to let me breath usually by kissing my jaw line or neck. Of course he didn’t need to breath he could have continued to kiss me. He peeled my body off the wall and laid me on the bed holding himself above me so he wouldn’t crush me with his rock hard body. Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

“Hey Gabe its Nate…we’re hungry and wondering when your planning on us going hunting” Gabe stopped suddenly his fangs out in full force but again this didn’t scare me. He rolled his eyes and pushed himself in one bound off me.

“We should probably go now” he told them to meet him down stairs

“And just to let you know…it is humanly possible. Not that I would know personally but I’ve known of other vamps and humans” he winked and hopped off the balcony.

I laughed and ran to the edge of the balcony and caught Gabe as him and the rest went of into the shadows.

“Hey” I yelled and they all turned around

I looked at Gabe “I’ll be waiting I’m not going anywhere no matter what”

Gabe smiled and blew me a kiss…

“Oh fuckin gag me “Vicky T made a gagging face

“Go to hell Vicky” I yelled and she sent me a glare while the rest of the boys ooo’d and laughed

Gabe just smiled and they disappeared into the night.
♠ ♠ ♠
i was so excited i couldn't wait to update this till tomorrow.

I really liked this chapter for some reason i dunno but when i wrote it i was loving it!!

PLEASE can i see just one comment thats all i'd like to see...i've been updating so much just to see if i get any comments and nothing

but i have had SUBS and readers which is SOOOOO GREAT... love it

now i'm gonna go lay out in my pool

xoxo readers