It's a Vampire thing

Chapter 3

Thump, thump, thump…

I sat up and looked to see the face I didn’t want to see…up until right at this moment I thought everything was a dream but I was dead wrong. William sat there up against the window his eyes a lighter brown and not so dark as I remembered.

“Why don’t you just ‘appear’ in here like you did last night?” I asked

“Because I’ve come to find out that you seem to think it’s rude by the look of your face 2 days ago” he smirked and the next minute he was in my back seat with his arms stretched across the top of it like he was lounging around.

“2 days? I’ve been in here for 2 days?” that cant be I know I’ve been asleep for a while but 2 days that’s not right

“Yes, you’ve been sleeping on and off but even when awake I’ve noticed you weren’t completely here.”

“You’ve been watching me?” the thought of a vampire watching me didn’t make me nervous in any way. I wasn’t afraid anymore like I was last…scratch that 2 nights ago. His smile was amazing the way it just stayed on his face.

“Ummm guilty?” he laughed

He leaned forward his face moving closer to mine I could feel his close cold breath. The scent of his breath was a sweet minty smell. When he began to talk I felt a chill run down my back from his icy grin that was placed upon his lips.

“I feel like I need to protect you, like I should always be around you so yes I have been watching you” his eyes pierced into mine our faces were close enough I could feel the chill of his face and body attacking my warmth like the cold winter chill as if you were to walk out of a sauna directly into a snow storm.

Protect me? Was this Gabe guy they spoke of and who I ran into really that dangerous?

“Oh crap! my job must be pissed off at me… I, I haven’t called or anything. What am…” I was searching for words until Will brought his cold fingers to my lips to slowly quiet me. He then pulled away quicker than he put them to my lips and balled his fingers into a fist.

“Ugh, your job is over I had Katy call and quit for you, we also went to your house and packed up something’s and set up a room for you here” I was confused Katy…They

“How could you do all of this and still watch me?” there’s that grin again good lord that will be the death of me.

“I do have friends ya know? I’m not the only one” he laughed as he scratched the back of his neck. I could tell he longed to touch me and I wondered why he pulled away so fast. Who am I kidding he’s a vampire hello!

“ Come on…I’ll take you to meet them, they’ve been asking about you” the next thing I knew he ‘appeared’ out side my car and was holding the door open for me. At first I didn’t want to go until he flashed that grin and I was spent he didn’t have to ask me twice I was out the door and by his side in minutes. I didn’t understand how I felt around him, one minute I was scared the next he sent me into some sort of trance. As I walked along side of him we climbed some stairs which opened up to a large fancy looking room. I saw a couple couches here and there and a fire place at the other end. I didn’t notice at first but there were two bodies curled up on a couch next to one another in front of the fire place.

“Chloe I’d like you to meet my friends” as soon as he finished friends, there was 6 other people standing in front of me. I was startled at first which made me jump back behind William. I could hear him laugh and the rest followed.

“Chloe this is Travie and Katy” the two stepped up together hand in hand which lead me to believe they were def an item. Katy wore her hair shoulder length with bangs cut strait across. She was beautiful probably one of thee most beautiful creatures I’ve ever seen. Travie stood at a tall 6’ or so his arms were covered in tattoo’s and had big afro like hair. He had a big goofy grin on his face and I wasn’t sure if it was a welcoming grin or an I want to eat you grin.

“Hey girl” he winked and Katy waved

“Next up my two best friends in the whole world Sisky and the Butcher”

“The butcher?” I think the gulp my throat made could be heard around the world and William laughed again

“It’s just a name…I wont hurt you” the butcher laughed he too was covered in tattoos and Sisky was scrawny but they seemed harmless

“And I wont let him…or anyone” William whispered in my ear

“ An lastly we have the newest to the crew Brendon and Ryan” the two boys stepped forward they too were scrawny…jeeze drinking blood must not give you much to live off of all these guys were like sticks and they were all so flawless. They’re skin was pale white and all of them had such dark eyes. I looked like a fat tan colored cow compared to them and I was under weight for my height.

They all just looked amazing…this was the family huh.

“Yes this is the family” wait he could hear that…did I say that out loud?

Again his grin popped on his face and he laughed.

“Follow me I’ll take you to your room” and so I did.
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I'm SO EFFING SORRY you guys i havent not had time to update really on any of my stories JEEZE i'm a loser....

between my great grandpa passing away and christmas shopping and everything its been crazy. I'm still having BIG brain farts on this story i've never written anything like it so if this chapter sucks i apologize...

I am wanting to add a charater to the group who will be paired with Brendon romantically and will become great friends with Chloe so if you want in let me know...Give me a name,age,what they look like etc

I'm going to try to update more and start writing more

Thanks for subbing and reading tho it means alot
