It's a Vampire thing

Chapter 31

*Brendon’s POV*

Will had seemed in a better mood since he had been visiting Chloe. He had such high hope that’s why I admired him so much as a leader. But from what I’ve heard off the street Gabe and Chloe where becoming more and more attached to one another. I didn’t know how Will was going to get her back but I’m sure he had a plan.

“Hey babe you ready to go?” Hannah knocked on the door

“Yeah let me get my back pack” I slipped it around my arm and stepped towards the door where she was standing

“What’s the man purse for” she giggled

“It’s not a purse and don’t ask questions” I grabbed her hand and away we went into the early morn to hunt before sun rise

It was getting closer and closer to day break as we finished off the last of the two men we caught beating up a helpless homeless person on the street. We strolled our way through the park we had had the discussion before about the sunrise and I stopped.

“Bren what are you doing the sun is about to come up” as she finished her worried cries I pulled two sets of glasses from my “man purse” and handed her a pair.

“Babe!” she squeaked

“Now you know even with sunglasses on we can only spend so much time out here before we start to ugh well ash up I guess you could say”

“How much time do we have…I don’t wanna exceed the limit on my first time” she smiled but I could tell she was nervous about the whole sun up vampire thing.

“We have a little over 2 hours directly in the sun but say if we were in the shade or like in a building with light colored curtains nothing like the thick ass ones back home then we’d have a little more time”

*Hannah’s POV*

“Maybe this isn’t such a good idea then, I don’t wanna risk you getting hurt” I looked at him and his face was blank for a minute then he began to laugh a little

“Baby don’t worry about it I’ve done this plenty of times, just sit back while I wrap my arm tightly around you and we watch the sun come up together I know it wont be the same seeing as you cant feel the warmth of the sun or the breeze from the wind but I thought you might like this a little bit” he wrapped his arm around me and we sat in silence

The next thing I knew he had slipped a box out of the back pack he had sitting next to him and just as the sun came up over the horizon he set it on my leg.

“What’s this?”

“Open it”

I lifted the little lid from the box to expose a big beautiful diamond ring with a white gold and purple band. I paused for a min and tried to catch what would have been my breath if I had to even breathe anymore.

“It’s a…”

“Look” Brendon said as he knelt down on both knees in front of me

“This maybe tacky or romantic but I’m just going to say it…Hannah ever since the night well I turned you I’ve felt very close to you. And not because I was your maker I guess you could call it but because you’re so different from any other girl I’ve ever met in my long life. When William met Chloe and I saw how much he loves her but would never admit to her right away it got me thinking. If I ever found anyone that I had such strong feelings for I would love them and love them hard. Hannah once you gave me that chance to get to know you and you forgave me for what I’ve done to you that became thee proudest moment of my again long life. And now’s my chance to tell the girl I’ve fallen hard in love for my feelings. I love you Hannah and I couldn’t imagine my life and what I have left of it with out you. You’re my eternity and I would love it if you’d say yes to become my wife” His face was full of nervousness and the way the sun rise came up behind him made him look like he had some sort of halo. Like he was my guardian angel in some sick dark twisted way and I knew my feelings for him were just as strong.

“Brendon you crazy wonderful man…I love you so much! OF COURSE…YES I’ll marry you” I grabbed his face and we crashed into one another’s kiss. The glasses got in the way yes but the mood couldn’t be more perfect. We kissed a little longer and then he slipped the perfect fitting ring upon my finger.

“I love you Hannah”

“Eternity is ours Brendon Urie I love you more” we sat a little longer and it came time that our limit was coming to an end so we made our way back to the warehouse.

“Where have you to been?” Katy and Travie were standing in the living room playing Wii.

“I was worried when the sun came up and you guys still weren’t back” she said as she grabbed my hand and automatically stopped in her tracks when she felt the ring

“Is this what I think it is?” She looked at me wide eyed

“Umm what do you think it is” I asked with a smirk on my face and I watch Bren walk over to Travie and high five him

“Don’t toy with me women you’re an engaged bitch aren’t you” she smiled


“Ahhhh I’m so excited how fun we get to plan a wedding”

“Well not now…Bren and I got some umm business to take care of in the bedroom.” I winked at her and ripped Bren away from Trav

“Dirty…go get it girl” she yelled
♠ ♠ ♠
Poop i lost a SUB...meh can't please em all.

THANK YOU for the comments it makes me feel like i'm actually writing this for someone other than myself lol. I'm having so much trouble making Gabe the bad guy cause i LOVE him so much but i love William two ha ha. I'm pretty sure i finally realized what i'm gonna be doing with this story now and i'm excited

i'll try to update soon but it might not be till Sun cause i'm going outta town

XOXO reader