It's a Vampire thing

Chapter 32

*Chloe’s POV*

The sun had come up fully and I was wide awake. Gabe was reading something we had talked tons and now I was going stir crazy and needed to get out.

“Hey Gabe I’m gonna go for a walk. I haven’t been out in the sun for what feels like forever now.” I smiled

“Okay” he said completely ignoring me I grabbed my bag and out side I ventured into the sun light.

The sun felt good as I stepped out the door. It was so bright I wasn’t used to it. Gabe has been great but it was time for me to try and find a place of my own. I walked a few blocks down and saw my favorite place Starbucks. I could use a coffee right about now I went up and ordered my drink and found a table in the back. I think it was about time to write in that journal thing Gabe gave me.

Dear Ned,
Man it’s been along time since I’ve wrote in here. Since then Gabe and I’ve become close. But at times I find myself wanting to be with William. There is something about Gabe that ultimately makes me nervous. I think I need to find my own place Ned. It’ll be best for this situation I’m in I know that one of these days I’m going to slip up thoughts about wanting to be with William and Gabe will explode. If I’m in no real danger with the Hazed anymore then what’s the reason I’m staying. I can start my own life again. If I even remember how to. I do miss being in the sun, but I think I’ll also miss Gabe as well. Ned I just think it’s for the best so while I’m out today I guess I’ll start looking for my own place. And a job…

Talk to you later, or I guess write to you later,


“Hey Chloe” I heard from above a mans voice

“William? What are you doing out”

He pointed to the sunglasses and it dawned on me that he could be out and about.

“What are you doing out?” he asked

“I’m human I’m allowed to be out” I replied

“Yeah I guess your right, so ugh what are you writing” he said as he sat down

“That’s really none of your business I don’t think”

“Look Chloe I’m not trying to be nosey you can tell me or not. I just want to spend more time with you. I made a mistake and I’m not proud of letting you go that day. If I would of done what I wanted you would be gushing over me instead of that creep” he paused I could tell he was getting upset but he calmed him self “ I’m sorry I don’t like Gabe but you do and that’s fine with me as long as your happy…but I didn’t come here to argue. I came to talk and get to know you.” He sat back as if he had to catch his breath

I on the other hand I didn’t have anything to say. William started to get up to walk away…

“Wait” I said and he stopped and sat back down

“I’m not mad at you I’m just confused, you tell me one thing about Gabe and he acts another way I don’t get it” William began to say something but I cut him off

“I’ve decided that I’m moving out of the Hazed…” William smiled
“Not to be with you William…there is no real danger if I’m seeing the leader of the Hazed and I’m going to continue to see him. Gabe has been wonderful its just I need to be human again yea know out in the day time asleep at the night. A job, friends but it will be tricky…”

Williams smile faded “Gabe does he know this?”

“Nope not yet”

“Ugh oh he’s not going to be happy about this”

“How many times do I have to tell you GABE HAS CHANGED” I yelled and everyone in the coffee shop stopped and stared

“Okay okay Chloe chill out, I’ll leave that for you to see” he smirked that smirk that I loved and hated all at once

“Look I have to go I need to look for some places to live, I’m on a small budget yea know…well with no job and all” I stood up and started towards the door and William followed right behind me.

This was going to be a long day if he was going to tag along. But with sunglasses on how long could he really tag.
♠ ♠ ♠
Update...sorry if it sucks
