It's a Vampire thing

Chapter 34

*Hannah’s POV*

The big day or night I guess you could say was coming upon us. We decided our wedding was going to be small…just Bren and I along with Katy and Travie. Everyone else was going to be on a hunting trip and William was so into trying to get Chloe that his mind was everywhere but here.
I didn’t mind it though I just wanted something small anyways. I sat there looking over bridal magazines like a total girl when William walked and suddenly collapsed to the floor.

“Brendon!! Bren come quickly some things wrong with Will” I screamed as I threw the magazine down and ran to his side. He was steaming and his skin was as hot as fire.

“What happened?” Brendon came running into the room with Travie behind him

“I don’t know I was just sitting here and he came in and just collapsed”

“Will? Hey Will can you hear me?” Brendon began shaking him

“We need to get him into a dark space…and come night fall someone will have to hunt and bring him back someone to feed on” Travie was now lifting him with the help of Brendon and they were taking him to a closet in his room.

Soon they placed him inside and closed the door. Brendon seemed pissed as he slammed the door leaving Travie in there to help William.

“Bren what happened? What’s wrong” I asked as he stormed past me

“He needs to stop this insanity if its going to get him killed for her. At some point I’m going to have to put my foot down” he turned to look at me

“What do you mean?”

“He stayed out to long Hannah!! He was out seeing her seeing Chloe she doesn’t care about him the way he cares for her. She’d just let him stay out that long, Will could of died dried up into dust and she would of just stood there staring she’s not worth his life” I could see the hurting in Brendon’s eyes he looked up to William and to see him falling for some girl whose associated with Hazed seemed ridiculous.

“He loves her Bren” I said quietly as I turned to walk away and go back to my magazines

“Are you crazy? It’s not worth it to get killed over” Bren was now following me

“I don’t want to hear it Brendon apparently we have different views on the matter. I just know if I loved someone the way William does…like if I was in his shoes with you being Chloe I’d do the same. When I’m committed to someone I’d die for them. Are you telling me that you wouldn’t die for a person you were passionately in love with?” I asked him

“It’s different with us”

“How because we’re vampires because we live forever!”

“That and we love one another, it’s not just you loving me or vice versa. William loves her she doesn’t care about him”

I sat back down and opened the magazine back up. Brendon came and sat next to me he grabbed my hand and placed his other hand on my cheek.

“Hannah I love you…and if my life depended on it I would die for you” the words he spoke hurt me and helped me in away. I wouldn’t ever want Bren to lose his life for me just thinking about it scared me. I don’t want to be alone and live for an Eternity with out him. But it also comforted me to know he felt the same way I did.

“Brendon I would never want that, I don’t like thinking about you and I being for more than an hour let alone an eternity” I pressed my face into his hand

“I love you” he kissed my forehead

“Go back to reading you bridal mag’s I’m going to go help Travie with William. And don’t think about it cause I’m going know where your stuck with me for eternity” he smiled kissed me again and walked into the room where Will was.
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okay so another update...i have an idea where i'm gonna go with this story but i have no idea how to get there lol.

Warped Tour is next weekend!!! Hopefully i'll have another post before then were Warped tour is here the only way to really go and enjoy it is to camp out so we got a camp site down the street from the Gorge its gonna be AMAZING!!!

if you guys like All time Low i'm starting another story called "Hardly worth your time" so you guys should check it out...i only have like 6 readers and no subs lol


xoxo readers