It's a Vampire thing

Chapter 35

*Chloe’s POV*

After leaving my new place and making a stop off at the bank I arrived at the Hazed warehouse. It was just darkening out side so I knew the group would be getting ready to hunt soon. I walked past everyone sitting around the table playing cards and went straight to the room. I could hear footsteps close behind me and knew it was only a matter of time before I would have to confront Gabe about my decision. I acted like I didn’t know Gabe was behind me and walked into the room and closed the door. Grabbed a towel and went straight for the bathroom. I wasn’t ready to tell Gabe. I wasn’t ready for him to hear me think it. To be honest I was afraid of what he’d do or say. William had instilled this fear in me. A fear I’ve never had before, a fear like no other really. I’ve never been a fearful type hence the reason why I had the job as a photographer for the news paper. Hard hitting ground breaking stories needed to come with pictures too! I stepped into the shower to wash away the day… the day I spent with William. I thought about him a lot while in the shower I hoped he was alright. I knew he could only be out for so long but I didn’t know what it would do to him if he was out for that long. I thought about the kiss, how his lips were so hot almost human like but much hotter. I thought about how he followed me around all day. Outside in the sunlight. Would Gabe ever do that for me? I called the shower time I have my William thoughts time. I hated to even think his name around Gabe. The shower felt warm on my back as it ran down my spine I warmed me to the core. And these days that’s the only warmth I get…I mean dating a vampire and all. I turned off the water and realized I didn’t bring clothes in with me due to the rush of trying to get away from Gabe.

I stood there and stared at my refection in the mirror. My skin was a little more tanned from being in the sun today. I wrapped the towel around me tightly it was now or never. I just hope Gabe didn’t react badly to my decision.

“Hey babe” Gabe said as he sat on the bed

“Hey” I said biting my lip nervously

“I feel there’s something you want to talk to me about” he motioned for me to sit next to him

“Yeah, umm I think I’m gonna move out” I held my breath for his reaction


“Well now listen…I found a place right down the street from here and it has a balcony and when I was at the coffee shop today a man asked me to work for his record store closing every night and I’d have weekends off” Gabe didn’t say anything he didn’t even look at me.

“Gabe? The real reason I was with William and the vamps was because he was protecting me from you and now that I’m with you I need a life of my own”

“Fine” he said and stood up, I went to speak and he was gone. Just like that gone…

“I’ll wait for you on our balcony” I whispered under my breath fighting back tears

Dear Ned,

As I sit out here on the balcony waiting for Gabe I wonder if it’s the right thing for me to do. Leaving him I mean…he didn’t say anything to me but “Fine” what does that mean to him. He’s fine I’m leaving and he’ll continue to work on things with me. This wont be our ending?

I sit here wrapped in my heating blanket clutching the necklace he gave me. Ned I think…

Well I think I Love him, I know its crazy to love a vampire but he’s been nothing but good to me.

Then there’s William and the kiss we shared I can’t get it off my mind. I dunno if it’s because his lips have burned an impression into my brain or if I’ve been longing to do it for so long that I’m happy it finally happened.

I start work in a week Ned. I’m so excited for it I’ve wanted a job ever since I lost mine. Not only that but I have a balcony at my new place but it’s a place to call my own. Ohh Ned I have to say good night Gabe’s coming and I want to tell him I love him, and just because I’m moving don’t mean we can’t still be together.

Xoxo Ned

I finished writing and closed my journal. As I stood up to look down on the group as they came back I noticed the mood had changed in all of them this time. Then I noticed Gabe…and he didn’t even glance my way. He walked right under me and into the door with the rest of them. Well that’s how it’s going to be.
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again i'm gonna pimp my other story "Hardly worth your time" read it and sub i have 2 now yay!!

So the next chapter broke me seriously but i needed a change in life in this story lol


xoxo readers